Proper preventive medication can avoid severe allergy when entering the spring pollen peak within two weeks

Date: 09:40, March 13, 2024      Source: Beijing Daily

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Beijing has entered the spring pollen period, which is expected to peak in two weeks, that is, the pollen concentration exceeds 300 grains per thousand square millimeters. Wang Xueyan, director of the Allergy Center of Shijitan Hospital, reminded that proper preventive medication for patients with hay fever could effectively avoid serious allergies.

According to the monitoring of the Pollen Research Office of Shijitan Hospital, Ulmus and Cupressaceae are the main allergenic pollens floating in the air at present. Since March 10, the concentration of the main allergenic pollen in the air has exceeded 100 grains per thousand square millimeters, marking the beginning of the pollen period in Beijing. As the temperature rises, the pollen concentration will continue to rise, and more and more patients with pollen allergy will have symptoms.

Xiao Fan is 26 years old. He has recently suffered from allergic symptoms such as nasal congestion and cough, and was tested to be allergic to pollen. "I didn't have a history of allergy before, but how did I suddenly become allergic this year?" Wang Xueyan asked and gave an answer. Xiaofan, who loved beauty, used an extreme way to lose weight, lost 15 kg in more than one month, leading to immune dysfunction.

Wang Xueyan explained that the occurrence of allergic symptoms is related to genetic factors and environmental factors. Declining resistance, emotional instability, lack of sleep, virus infection, improper drug use, etc. may be the incentives.

The pollen season in 2024 is slightly later than that in 2023, and is expected to reach its peak in two weeks. Wang Xueyan reminded that patients with confirmed pollen allergy can take preventive medicine in advance to avoid serious symptoms during peak pollen season. People with mild allergic symptoms in the past can also use immunomodulatory drugs such as spleen amino peptide in advance to improve immune function and prevent or alleviate allergic symptoms.

Spring is a period of high incidence of respiratory diseases. Allergic rhinitis symptoms are similar to colds, which are easy to be confused, resulting in misuse and abuse of antibiotics, thus delaying the disease. Wang Xueyan reminded that pollen allergy has obvious seasonal and temporal characteristics, and the symptoms last for at least 3 weeks. Generally, there are no systemic symptoms such as fever, sore throat and muscle pain. If some related symptoms recur regularly, be highly alert to allergy. "There are different kinds of pollen prevailing in different seasons in Beijing, so patients should go to the hospital to check the allergen and follow the doctor's advice for symptomatic treatment. If they are not treated with standardized and systematic drugs, the symptoms will become more and more serious." (Sun Leqi)

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