Warm tips for the second computer based English listening and speaking test candidates for the middle school entrance exam in early 2024

Date: 09:30, March 12, 2024      Source: Beijing Education Examination Institute

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Dear candidates:

On March 17 (Sunday), the second computer based English listening and speaking test for the middle school entrance exam in early 2024 will be held. In order to successfully participate in the exam and achieve ideal results, please pay attention to the following tips:

1、 Before the exam, pay attention to the physical and psychological adjustment, reasonable rest, reasonable diet, proper exercise, and take the exam in the best state.

2、 Make preparations before the exam, read the "Notes to Candidates" on the exam admission card carefully, take the exam with the exam admission card and ID card, and report to the head teacher or the exam leader at the first time in case of loss.

3、 The route shall be planned in advance on the day of the test to avoid traffic congestion and ensure that the test site can be reached before the specified time.

4、 Before entering the examination room, you should accept the metal detector inspection. In addition to pencils, it is strictly prohibited to bring wireless communication, electronic storage, memory video and other equipment, as well as learning materials, paper and other irrelevant items into the examination room. Draft paper is provided by the examination room, and candidates are not allowed to take it out of the examination room.

5、 During the process of identity verification and question answering, the mask should be removed to ensure the effectiveness of the recording of identity verification and oral examination. Candidates should obey the guidance of the examination staff and keep a proper distance in the process of waiting for and preparing for the examination.

6、 When entering the examination room (machine room), get the disinfected wet towel and disposable non-woven microphone cover.

7、 After taking a seat in the prescribed test position, you can use a disinfected wet towel to wipe the leather surface of the earphone earmuff in contact with the ear, and put a disposable non-woven microphone cover on the microphone.

8、 During the examination, we should keep a calm attitude, carefully examine the questions and answer them carefully. If you feel unwell, please raise your hand to the invigilator and follow the arrangement of the invigilator.

9、 At the end of the exam, put the draft paper on the table, remove the disposable non-woven microphone cover from the microphone, and leave in order. Discard the used microphone cover, disinfectant wipes and packaging bags at the designated position at the exit of the examination room.

10、 After the examination, you should leave the examination site quickly, and do not gather or stay at the examination site.

I wish the exam a success!

Beijing Education Examination Institute

March 11, 2024

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