The old residential area "elevator map" was officially launched. Citizens can apply for the unit with strong desire to add elevator with one click, and the unit will be listed in the plan preferentially

Date: 2024-02-29 08:19      Source: Beijing Daily

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It will be more convenient for residents to apply for adding elevators to their old buildings. On February 28, it was learned from the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development that Beijing's "Plus Ladder Map (Version 1.0)" has been officially launched, and residents can apply for Plus Ladder online with one click. For residential units that meet the conditions for adding elevators, when more than two-thirds of the residents agree on the "elevator map", they will be included in the priority plan for adding elevators in each district.

Many people have heard of the story that there is no elevator in the 6-storey old building, and dozens of steps make it difficult for the old people to get out of the building for several years. Since 2017, the city has vigorously promoted the installation of elevators in old buildings. By the end of 2023, 3550 elevators had been installed in the city, fulfilling the wishes of many citizens.

Previously, according to the process, if the residents want to apply for adding elevators, they need to apply to the street or community first, and the relevant department will carry out a professional feasibility assessment. After confirming that the conditions for adding elevators are met, the owner's willingness consultation will be started. In fact, in this mode, residents may not know in advance whether their own units are suitable for adding elevators.

Can you figure out the bottom line of the old municipal community and make the elevator work faster? Over the past year, the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development has organized all districts to investigate more than 20000 existing multi-storey residential buildings and more than 100000 unit doors under the jurisdiction of the city, and conducted a preliminary mapping assessment from the aspects of building structural safety, spatial conditions, etc. On this basis, the "Ladder Map" was developed jointly with relevant municipal departments.

Opening the "elevator adding map" is like getting a sketch map. The number of elevators installed in 16 districts of the city and whether the corresponding buildings have the conditions for elevator adding are clear at a glance. After clicking to select the corresponding community, you can view the basic information of relevant buildings and units, the current situation of elevator addition, and whether the conditions for elevator addition are available. For units that are suitable for adding elevators, residents can apply for adding elevators by one click online.

For example, Ms. Wang, who lives in Unit 1, Building 11, Jixiangyuan, Tongzhou District, wants to apply for adding elevators. She clicks to enter the "Add Ladder Map" and selects Xinhua Street, Tongzhou District, to find Unit 1, Building 11, Jixiangyuan. The map information shows that the unit was "built in 1998, with 5 floors above the ground, suitable for adding elevators, but not equipped with elevators". Ms. Wang only needs to click the "Willingness to Add Elevator" button on the interface to apply for adding elevator, which is very convenient.

In addition, the "Add Elevator Map" is also equipped with the "Add Elevator Realistic VR Experience" function, so that residents can feel the effect of adding elevator in person by moving their fingers.

"Finding out the bottom line and finding out the public opinion is to respond to the residents' demands more quickly, so as to solve the travel problems more accurately and do a good job of people's livelihood." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development said that on the one hand, the "elevator map" can facilitate residents to know which houses are suitable for elevator, let the implementation subject know which housing units need elevator, and encourage all parties to participate together; On the other hand, it is also convenient for functional departments to collect relevant information, timely start the willingness collection work, and realize the urban two-level "wall chart battle".

It is understood that for residential units that meet the conditions for adding elevators, as long as more than two-thirds of the residents of the unit agree to add elevators on the "Map of Adding Ladders", they will be prioritized in the plan of adding elevators in each district.

According to the plan, in 2024, the city will start 1000 new elevators in old buildings and complete 600. With the launch of the "Escalator Map", it will become faster for residents to apply for Escalator, which will promote the realization of "full decoration" in old residential areas.

User Guide of "CATI Map"

1. How to find "Ladder Map"?

Path 1: Log on to the official website of Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development( ), click the link map on the home page to enter.

Path 2: Log in to the official website of Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development, click the government affairs open column, enter the special column page, and select the link "Add elevators to existing multi-storey residential buildings" to enter the "Add elevators map".

2. What information can be seen on the "elevator map"?

Residents can query the current situation of adding elevators to building units through the "elevator map", whether the units without elevators have the conditions for adding elevators (distinguish between suitable, difficult and unsuitable), and experience the effect of adding elevators online.

3. How do willing residents apply for elevator increase?

After finding the housing unit information on the "elevator adding map", residents can click the "elevator adding intention" button, select "agree", and enter basic information such as name and mobile phone number before submitting. After receiving the application, the relevant department will contact the residents to confirm their willingness to add elevators. Luyang

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