Expert recruitment live broadcast consultation starts on March 1

Date: 09:32, February 27, 2024      Source: Beijing Daily

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Original title: Gao Zhao Live Broadcast Consultation starts this Friday

The 2024 National College Entrance Examination will be held from June 7. From March 1, Face to face Education, the live broadcast consultation program of Beijing top recruitment, will be launched, and college recruitment, volunteer filling and career planning experts will appear one after another to answer questions for examinees.

At the launching ceremony held a few days ago, education experts analyzed that the optimization and adjustment of college entrance examination subjects in 2024 strengthened the basic requirements of relevant majors for senior high school students to learn physics and chemistry subjects. A number of college entrance policies have been adjusted, such as the unified examination for arts majors, requirements for college foreign language candidates, selection of high-level art troupes and sports teams, and professional tests. In view of these changes, the college enrollment live broadcast consultation will invite authoritative teaching and research experts and first-line senior high school graduating class teachers to focus on the new changes and give targeted preparation guidance.

It is understood that the 2023 Beijing College Entrance Examination Research Report prepared by the Beijing Education Examination Institute shows that the main reasons for the examinees to lose points are: some basic knowledge and basic skills are not solid and solid, and the basic question scoring rate is significantly lower than expected; In terms of discipline inquiry ability, the scoring rates of physics, chemistry and biology are relatively low; Students still have some problems in reading ability, information collection and reading ability.

At the press conference, some college admissions officers analyzed the enrollment policy in 2024. Liu Rui, director of the Admission Office of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said that in order to meet the needs of the country in the construction of the professional field of talents in short supply, the university will add a new doctoral through training experimental class in aerospace and information disciplines in 2024. Song Jie, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Technology of Peking University, said that the school would emphasize "a solid foundation and strong cross cutting", and guide students to integrate discipline selection and future planning into the development of the times and national needs.

Face to face Education was launched by the Beijing Radio and Television City Broadcasting Center in cooperation with the Municipal Education Commission and the Beijing Education Examination Institute. It lasted until the end of July. At 17:45 and 20:00 every day, it was broadcast live through FM107.3 Voice of Beijing City Broadcasting Sub center, FM100.6 Voice of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, and listening to FM, Beijing Time client, Beijing Daily, Beijing Evening News Weibo and other platforms. Herui

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