Avoid strenuous exercise for high-risk groups

Date: 2024-02-21 10:05      Source: Beijing Daily

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On February 20, the Municipal Health Commission reminded citizens to keep warm, and people at high risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should avoid overwork and strenuous exercise.

During the cold wave, citizens should pay attention to keeping warm, wear appropriate clothes, hats, gloves, warm shoes and socks, etc., to effectively reduce heat loss and prevent hypothermia. The Municipal Health Commission reminded that regular work and rest and adequate sleep should be guaranteed, the indoor ventilation should be frequent, and personal hygiene habits should be paid attention to.

The resistance of the elderly, pregnant and lying in women, infants and young children is generally weak. Try not to contact patients with infectious diseases, and reduce going out in cold weather; For outdoor activities, choose the time when the temperature is higher at noon; Pay special attention to keeping head and neck, abdomen and feet warm.

Sudden drop in temperature is likely to lead to increased blood pressure, increased blood viscosity, and increased cardio cerebral load, thus inducing stroke and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Vigorous exercise and overwork will also increase the burden on the heart. People at high risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should not only avoid strenuous exercise, but also keep moderate exercise, such as walking and shadowboxing.

The Municipal Health Commission reminds that it is better not to go to morning exercises in cold weather, and then go out when the temperature is relatively high. In addition, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should stick to taking medicine according to the doctor's advice, control the blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipid levels, and seek medical advice in time if they are not suitable. (Sun Leqi)

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