Open air tour route to the Ming Tombs at Juyongguan Pass

Date: 2024-02-20 10:01      Source: Beijing Daily

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Original title: Changping Open air tour route to the Ming Tombs at Juyongguan Pass

Recently, the Changping Juyongguan Great Wall Scenic Area "See Changping" aerial panorama tourism project was launched. Citizens can take helicopters to overlook Juyongguan Great Wall, the Ming Tombs, the Ming Tombs Reservoir, etc.

During the first flight, four tourists took the plane under the guidance of the staff to experience a new experience of overlooking the Great Wall at Juyongguan from high altitude. "Looking down from such a high sky, I saw the Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway and Juyongguan Great Wall, and I was proud of the magnificent rivers and mountains of our motherland," said Tao Ziheng, a tourist from Nanjing.

"This is the first time that Juyongguan Great Wall Scenic Spot has opened an air tour route, which not only meets the tourists' expectations for a new tourism mode, but also improves the quality of tourism services and the level of business types of the scenic spot." Li Yongcheng, the person in charge of Juyongguan Great Wall Scenic Spot, introduced that relying on the high-quality cultural and tourism resources of Juyongguan Great Wall Scenic Spot, Changping District has continuously enriched the supply of cultural and tourism products to provide more The updated high-quality tourism products boost the prosperity of Changping's cultural and tourism market.

It is reported that the air tour route runs from 9:00 to 16:30. There are three routes in total, namely, the top of the Great Wall (Juyongguan route), the Cloud Sea Walk (Juyongguan Guangou route), and the Air View Mausoleum (Juyongguan Ming Tombs route). The duration is 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes, respectively. The price varies from 298 yuan to 888 yuan per person. Each plane has 4 passengers and takes off with full passengers. (Sun Yunke and Xiang Lingxiao)

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