300 medical institutions should open fever clinics

Date: 09:37, January 18, 2024      Source: Beijing Daily

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On January 17, the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention introduced that fever clinics in about 300 medical institutions in the city should be open to all, and all community health service centers have been equipped with small molecules and other new treatments and flu drugs.

In order to effectively prevent and control respiratory infectious diseases in winter and spring, the city has strengthened the prevention and control of various epidemic situations. Medical institutions, retail and online pharmacies, related drugs and antigen reagents, etc. have sufficient reserves and stable supply to ensure patients' diversified drug demand.

At the same time, the city has strengthened the health management of elderly care institutions and community elderly, and unblocked the channels for medical treatment and referral. In order to facilitate citizens' home rehabilitation, medical institutions also provide services such as Internet medical insurance mobile payment, online consultation and prescription, and drug delivery to home.

As the Spring Festival holiday approaches, the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention reminds the citizens to improve their awareness of disease prevention, and do a good job of personal protection for returning and traveling personnel; When going to medical institutions and pension institutions, take public transport, and enter crowded places, you should wear masks; Keep hands clean, wash hands after going home, before eating and after defecation, before and after touching eyes, nose or mouth; Do a good job of health monitoring. If fever, cough, sore throat and other symptoms occur, take home rest, medication or timely medical treatment and other measures according to the situation. (Sun Leqi, Chai Rong)

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