110 tertiary hospitals launched medical insurance mobile payment, 22 municipal hospitals enabled electronic bills

Date: 08:49, January 5, 2024      Source: Beijing Daily

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The functions of the "Jingtong" applet health service platform continued to upgrade. On January 4, the Municipal Health Commission introduced that all 110 tertiary hospitals have realized the functions of mobile payment for medical insurance, online query of inspection reports, and online query of medical images. The platform also adds the function of vaccination. At the same time, 22 municipal hospitals launched electronic bills for medical charges.

Relying on the "Jingtong" small program, the city has built a unified appointment registration platform, covering 270 medical institutions above the second level. In order to solve the inconvenience of citizens queuing to pay for medical treatment, 110 tertiary hospitals have all realized the mobile payment function of medical insurance, and the whole process of appointment registration, payment, medical insurance reimbursement, etc. has been handled on the palm. Beijing medical insurance patients can make online payment of appointment registration fees, outpatient fees and medical insurance reimbursement fees through Alipay and WeChat "Jingtong" applet. At the same time, the "Jingtong" applet on Alipay can also be used to pay for family members.

At present, 110 tertiary hospitals have all realized the inspection report and medical image sharing query, and patients can receive the report generation reminder in time. Patients can access the "Health Service" module of the "Jingtong" applet through WeChat, Alipay and Baidu, click "Report Query" to realize self inspection and proxy inspection, and download the inspection results. There is no need to queue up to print reports and carry traditional films.

On the "Jingtong" applet, Beijing Children's Hospital was added to the unified Internet hospital service platform, and 12 Internet hospitals were settled. The "multi hospital, one entrance" mode is convenient for patients to enjoy online consultation, prescription, drug delivery to home and other services in a one-stop manner. The "Jingtong" applet also adds the "vaccination" service function, which allows you to make an appointment for children's immunization, COVID-19 vaccination and influenza vaccination, and to view vaccination records at any time and choose vaccination sites freely.

At present, 22 municipal hospitals have officially launched electronic bills for medical charges, and patients can directly view the electronic bills for medical charges through the "Jingtong" applet, various hospital applets or APP, download and print them at any time, so as to reduce waiting in line. At the same time, the hospital still provides on-site paper bill printing services. Electronic bills and paper bills for medical charges have the same legal effect, and are the legal vouchers for medical expenses reimbursement after patients pay for medical treatment.

The "Jingtong" applet carries out a "user experience officer" activity once a month, which further optimizes the service functions such as collection of common hospitals and departments, navigation of hospital address maps, setting of common patients and historical patients, and simplifying the binding of patient information. The Municipal Health Commission said that it would continue to promote the data interconnection of medical institutions, strive to achieve mobile payment of medical insurance, mutual recognition of inspection results and image sharing of hospitals above the second level, and expand the coverage of the Internet hospital service platform. The "User Experience Officer" activity will also continue to be held, inviting citizens to put forward suggestions. (Sun Leqi)

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