Officials from many colleges and universities announced that the open campus university ice rink welcomes citizens to clock in during the holiday

Date: 09:25, January 2, 2024      Source: Beijing Daily

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During the New Year's holiday, Peking University and Beijing University of Architecture and Architecture opened the campus ice rink, and many citizens entered the school to experience the fun of ice and snow sports. Moreover, Renmin University of China, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Foreign Studies University and other Beijing universities have recently announced the opening of their campuses to orderly share some public resources.

During the New Year's Day holiday in 2024, Minghu Ice Rink in Daxing Campus of Beijing University of Architecture and Civil Engineering ushered in its first holiday after opening. The flat ice surface is divided into two areas. The North Lake is an interesting amusement area. Many citizens take their children to skate and skate; South Lake is a professional skating area, where a group of teenagers are skilfully skating in skates.

"The school is very close to home and can be reached by car for more than 10 minutes. It will be convenient to take my daughter skating in the future." Ms. Wang said, "My daughter is in primary school, and this is the first time I have taken her into the university campus. She has made a good strategy herself, not only wants to skate, but also plans to visit it."

"This New Year's Day holiday, many people who come to skate are based on their families," said Zhu Jing, vice principal of Beijian University. They can enter the school by swiping their ID cards and eat in the school canteen. The school library and stadium can also be visited. At present, the school provides rental services such as ice skates, skates and ice sticks. Each ice rink ticket costs 20 yuan.

On the ice, Zhou Yuexuan, a graduate student of the School of Surveying, Mapping and Urban Spatial Information of Beijing Construction University, wore a purple vest, which was very conspicuous among the crowd. He said: "Every time I am on duty for one hour, I have to make more than 10 rounds around the ice rink to provide timely help for tourists in need."

Before taking up their posts, more than 80 student volunteers, including Zhou Yuexuan, received professional training. They all have the foundation of skating. "We should carefully observe whether the ice surface is uneven. Some seemingly inconspicuous pits may also trip tourists, so we should timely find and report them to eliminate hidden dangers." He said that in order to ensure the safety of the ice rink, the school also arranged a special person to regularly measure and record the thickness of the ice layer and set up a safety administrator on the ice.

Starting from the New Year's Day holiday, every weekend and winter holiday will be the opening day of Beijian Ice Rink, with 300 reserved places open every day. "The school is open to teachers and students on weekdays." Zhu Jing said that she will rely on the ice rink to further create open classes, experience camps and other activities, consolidate the achievements of "300 million people participating in ice and snow sports", attract more people to participate in ice and snow sports, and develop fitness habits.

In addition, the Weiming Lake Ice Rink of Peking University was also opened. Citizens can book tickets through "Peking University App - Smart Venue - Equipment Lease". Herui

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