First aid center: sudden drop in temperature to prevent frostbite

Date: 09:47, December 14, 2023      Source: Beijing Daily

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On December 13, the Beijing Emergency Center reminded citizens to prevent frostbite when the temperature drops suddenly; In outdoor activities, observe the road conditions, concentrate and avoid falling.

According to the first-aid personnel, once frostbite occurs, the skin may be cold and hard, and in severe cases, it may lose consciousness, coma or even cardiac arrest. It is suggested that citizens should wear gloves, hats, warm clothes and anti-skid shoes. During outdoor activities, pay attention to the road conditions, pay attention, and be careful to walk slowly. Never use your mobile phone to shoot snow scenes while walking to avoid accidents.

When walking, lean your upper body forward slightly, extend your arms slightly, keep your balance with your hands open, separate your feet, keep your toes eight out, and keep your weight stable at all times. Once a fall occurs, do not get up immediately on the premise of ensuring environmental safety, but slowly move your limbs first to avoid secondary injury caused by improper activities. If the pain is severe, call for help nearby. If the situation is serious, seek medical advice in time. (Sun Leqi)

CDC: windows should be opened for ventilation when cooling down

Many families like to close their doors and windows when the temperature drops after snow. The Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention reminds that windows should also be opened for ventilation in cold weather, and attention should be paid to keeping warm.

Winter is the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases. Opening windows and ventilation can effectively reduce the concentration of indoor pathogenic microorganisms, improve indoor air quality, reduce the content of chemical pollutants, and reduce the concentration of indoor carbon dioxide. The ultraviolet ray in the sun also has the function of assisting sterilization.

In the morning, the oxygen content of indoor air decreases, and dust mites and dander fly when making beds. The room needs ventilation. As the temperature rises at noon, the harmful gas in the bottom of the atmosphere gradually dissipates, and it is also effective to open windows for ventilation. It is advisable to open the window for ventilation for 20-30 minutes each time. If the temperature is very low, a small gap can be left for ventilation. At this time, the ventilation time needs to be increased to 30 to 60 minutes. Open the window for ventilation 3 to 4 times a day.

In winter, it is forbidden to wear thin clothes to blow the wind or when sweating. Patients with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases should pay special attention to keeping warm when opening windows. Family ventilation of cold patients should also be careful, and rooms can be ventilated by opening windows in turn. The room temperature should not drop below 16 ℃ due to window opening, and it is better to control it between 18 ℃ and 23 ℃. (Sun Leqi)

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