How to protect health from cold weather after snow?

Date: 10:07, December 11, 2023      Source: Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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At 17:00 on December 10, the Beijing Meteorological Observatory announced that: on the night of December 10, the overcast turned to light to moderate snow, the east turned to northerly force I and II, and the minimum temperature was minus 4 ℃; On the 11th, sporadic light snow turned cloudy in the daytime, and the north turned southerly, with a maximum temperature of 2 ℃. According to the analysis of the latest meteorological data, there will still be snow weather from 13th to 14th, and there will be strong cold air activity from 15th. At that time, the highest temperature in the daytime will fall below the freezing point, and the lowest temperature at night will fall below - 10 ℃.

The weather is cold after snow, how to prevent cold and keep healthy?

1. Keep warm

The snowfall has led to a drop in the temperature, and the outdoor body feels bleak and cold. Everyone needs to pay attention to the weather forecast in time, and pay attention to cold prevention.

Pay attention to heating safety. Families using coal stoves for heating should beware of gas poisoning.

2. Pay attention to the prevention of influenza

Winter is the season of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases such as influenza, and lower temperature is conducive to the survival and spread of influenza and other viruses.

Pay attention to personal hygiene habits, wash hands frequently, and ventilate the room frequently. Try to avoid going to crowded places with dirty air. Avoid contact with patients with flu like symptoms. If necessary, pay attention to wearing masks and protect them.

The World Health Organization also pointed out that annual influenza vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza.

3. Strengthen prevention when going out

Corresponding protective measures shall be taken when going out in snowy and cool weather:

Snow is easy to collapse and damage facility agriculture, garden trees, etc. Please take precautions.

The road is wet and slippery, which is prone to snow and road icing. When going out, try to take public transportation instead of bicycles or electric vehicles. Pay attention to keeping away from and avoiding vehicles, and pay attention to safety.

4. Care for key groups

The resistance of the elderly, pregnant women, infants and young children is generally weak. Try to reduce going out in cool weather.

If you need to go out, choose a time when the temperature is high at noon.

Wear more clothes and pay special attention to keeping head and neck, abdomen and feet warm.

Should strengthen physical exercise, balanced diet, improve physical resistance.

5. Take care of heart and brain vessels

Sudden changes in weather can easily lead to increased blood pressure, increased blood viscosity, and increased load on the heart and brain, which can easily lead to stroke and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In cold weather, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases had better not go to morning exercises, and go out when the temperature is relatively high.

Try to keep a peaceful mind and a regular lifestyle.

Adhere to taking medicine according to the doctor's advice, control the blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipid level, and seek medical advice in case of any discomfort.

6. Do a good job of health monitoring

In case of abnormal symptoms such as fever and acute respiratory infection, take measures such as rest at home, taking medicine or seeing a doctor in time according to the situation, and do not go to school or work with illness.

If the condition worsens, wear a mask and go to the doctor in time, and wash your hands carefully after going home.

Patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases must pay attention to taking medicine on time, pay attention to their own health status, and seek medical advice in time if their condition is more important.

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