The 10th citizens' happy ice and snow season will be launched until April 2024, when at least 30000 consumption vouchers will be issued

Date: 2023-11-27 08:52      Source: Beijing Daily

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Original title: The 10th citizens' happy ice and snow season will be launched until next April, when at least 30000 consumption vouchers will be issued

On November 26, the 10th Beijing citizens' happy ice and snow season series activities were launched in the National Speed Skating Hall. This activity will be held from November 2023 to April 2024, during which no less than 30000 "ice and snow coupons" will be issued to citizens free of charge.

The happy ice and snow season for Beijing citizens began in December 2014 and has now entered its 10th year. From the first 48 events with 300000 participants, to the ninth nearly 3000 events with more than 24 million participants, the Happy Ice and Snow Season for Beijing citizens fully demonstrates the development achievements of Beijing's mass ice and snow industry in the past decade, and highlights the new image of Beijing as a "double Olympic city".

This citizens' happy ice and snow season is hosted by the Beijing Municipal People's Government and undertaken by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Sports, the Beijing Municipal Sports Federation and the people's governments of all districts. It is also one of the series activities of the 10th National Popular Ice and Snow Season. It is understood that speed skating, ski jumping, short track speed skating World Cup, figure skating grand prix and other international top ice and snow events will be held during the event to expand the international influence of Beijing's ice and snow; Widely carry out speed skating open, skiing open and other national fitness ice and snow events brand activities, and continue to promote the high-quality development of ice and snow sports; Increase the popularization of knowledge and skills of ice and snow sports, and consolidate the achievements of ice and snow population development; At least 30000 "ice and snow consumption vouchers" have been issued in batches to give play to the function of sports to promote consumption and stimulate the vitality of the ice and snow sports industry; We will manage and use the heritage of the Beijing Winter Olympics well to build a snow sports fitness circle.

The issuance of ice and snow coupons has always been the "star activity" of citizens in the happy ice and snow season. On the day of the launch of the event, 3500 consumption vouchers have been distributed to citizens free of charge through the "Beijing Fitness Club" small program. Citizens can enjoy preferential tickets for some ice and snow stadiums in Beijing and deduct the ticket fee of the face value of the consumption coupon when using the consumption coupon.

In addition, in the corridor around the venue where the launch ceremony was held, the Organizing Committee also set up land ice and snow sports experience activities such as land curling, VR skiing, ice hockey, which attracted many people to participate. Ge Jun, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Sports, said that this ice and snow season is an important platform to carry forward the spirit of the Beijing Winter Olympics and promote the high-quality development of the city's ice and snow sports. It will further stimulate the enthusiasm for ice and snow in the "Double Olympics City" and contribute to the power of "Beijing ice and snow" to help build a sports power.

After the launching ceremony, the first Beijing Open Speed Skating Competition was staged in the "Ice Ribbon". Nearly 200 speed skating enthusiasts from 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country gathered in the Winter Olympic venues to compete. "The ranking is not important, and we had a great time." Ms. Wang Guirong from Qiqihar, who is nearly 60 years old, was very excited at the "Ice Ribbon" competition. "Thank the organizing committee for providing such a good platform for us amateurs." (Wang Xiaoxiao)

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