How to select suspended ceiling? Foshan well-known integrated ceiling manufacturers tell you!

Issued on: November 12, 2021 Reading amount: 9685 times Author: Badith integrated ceiling brand official

The integrated ceiling is composed of gusset plate, lighting, heating and ventilation modules. Ceiling decoration is one of the most important items in home decoration. Usually when cooking, the kitchen will produce a lot of oil stains, and there will be a lot of steam in the bathroom. If there is no ceiling, oil stains and water vapor will accumulate for a long time, making the ceiling miserable. In recent years, the integrated ceiling has been favored by consumers for its beauty, variety of styles, convenient installation and other advantages, and is rapidly popularized.

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integrated ceiling

For kitchen and bathroom space, the integrated ceiling has the characteristics of corrosion resistance, moisture resistance, fire prevention, sound insulation, good style, strong adaptability, and is the first choice for the suspended ceiling of home kitchen and bathroom. When purchasing integrated ceiling, the quality of aluminum gusset plate should be checked from three aspects: aluminum, membrane and rear cover. First check the material of aluminum. Since it is difficult for ordinary consumers to see the aluminum material, it is recommended that consumers check the strength of gusset plate splicing, and then check whether the paint surface is smooth, free of burrs and color difference.

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When purchasing integrated ceiling, attention should also be paid to the quality of auxiliary materials for ceiling installation, including triangular keel, main keel, suspender, hanger and other auxiliary materials required for ceiling installation. The high-quality keel is made of light steel, and the low-quality keel is made of iron or will rust and rot after a long time. National standard main keel is zero point eight Mm.

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Nowadays, there are many integrated ceiling brands on the market, and the product quality is different. It is difficult for users to judge the quality of integrated ceiling by their eyes. So, which integrated ceiling manufacturer is better?

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Bardis integrated ceiling is headquartered in Foshan Foshan Famous Integrated Ceiling Manufacturer , a professional enterprise integrating design, research and development, production, sales and supporting services. with With the mission of "ingenuity" and "smart manufacturing", we are committed to providing families with beautiful, comfortable, environmentally safe roof space integration solutions. The brand concept of innovative products, excellent quality and personality of Bardis has won unanimous recognition from dealers, industry and consumers, and won numerous honors. Moreover, the installation of ceiling, heating, ventilation and lighting can be completed at one time, saving time, trouble and high cost performance.

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