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ScreenToGif: Super easy-to-use and free GIF recording software

Software sharing barben Five years ago (March 30, 2019) 2078 views 0 comments

I am publishing an article《 Vue.js implements simple search function 》At that time, there was a demand for screen recording, so I rummaged in Doraemon's pocket for half a day (the stories in the anime were all deceptive), and finally turned to a GIF screen recording software that was not only small, but also high-quality and high-definition, and could also customize the number of frames!!!

Not many people use it, but many people can't find such great things

This is the setting of the screen recording software. I won't describe it one by one because there are too many functions.
Take the above dynamic picture of setting as an example, each word can be clearly displayed after zooming in, and it is only 326KB.

Just a little reminder, The software records the hollow part in the middle, and the window can be resized at will !!!

Download address

[Download locally]

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ScreenToGif: Super easy-to-use and free GIF recording software- https://www.barben.cn/software/362.html
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