Label: WP Rocket Preload


WP Rocket 3.12: Improve the pre cache loading function to improve reliability and user experience


Bandwagonhost released on 2022-09-06

Recently, I have paid more attention to the pre caching function of WP Rocket, because I feel that it is not perfect. As a result, I received an email today saying that their version 3.12 has been officially completed, and I am proud to have brought a new pre caching function (Preload Cache). So this article will share the content of the official blog of WP Rocket to see what new functions it has brought. Provide excellent use


WP Rocket is frequently updated to fix several problems related to pre caching

Bandwagonhost released on 2022-09-04

Because I feel that the pre caching function of WP Rocket has caused the website to become very slow recently, so the Chinese website of the movers temporarily turned off the pre caching function of WP Rocket a few days ago (the solution to the problem is that the pre caching function of WP Rocket causes a large amount of VPS resources to occupy and causes the website to be slow). Then I saw that WP Rocket is updating the version crazily these days, and I don't know