Label: tile mover building station


Arrangement of KVM scheme for tile movers: multiple machine rooms in the United States, Netherlands, etc. are optional, and the host machine for foreign trade station construction is recommended


Bandwagonhost released on March 16, 2024

The KVM scheme for tile movers is the scheme launched by tile movers at the earliest stage. Since its inception, these schemes have always been the regular scheme for tile movers. The $19.99 annual payment scheme at the earliest stage is also the KVM scheme. Here KVM has two meanings. One is that these schemes are based on KVM architecture, which is mainly different from the earlier OpenVZ scheme. Of course, at present, all the tile movers


CState installation tutorial: Self built open source tile mover VPS server status page (Status Page)

Bandwagonhost released on August 3, 2023

CState is an open source project that can be used to build open source static (serverless) status pages. Use super fast Go and Hugo, minimal HTML/CSS/JS, customizable, excellent browser support (IE8+), preloaded CMS, read-only API, badge, etc. We all know that the tile movers have a status page bwhstatus. Please refer to the BWh


WP Rocket is frequently updated to fix several problems related to pre caching

Bandwagonhost released on 2022-09-04

Because I feel that the pre caching function of WP Rocket has caused the website to become very slow recently, so the Chinese website of the movers temporarily turned off the pre caching function of WP Rocket a few days ago (the solution to the problem is that the pre caching function of WP Rocket causes a large amount of VPS resources to occupy and causes the website to be slow). Then I saw that WP Rocket is updating the version crazily these days, and I don't know


LNMP website backup tutorial: One click backup script setup and use tutorial

Bandwagonhost released on 2022-07-31

When using the LNMP one click installation package to build a website, we also need to back up the website data from time to time. For example, use the one click backup script that comes with LNMP. This script is provided by default in the LNMP installation package. The location is under the tools folder. You can find the specific contents of the file by yourself. Because it is open source, looking at the content of the file is also


Tutorial of building a site for tile removal workers: detailed explanation of the steps of moving the WordPress website (taking the pagoda panel as an example)


Bandwagonhost released on 2022-07-18

We have successively introduced the tutorial of building a tile mover's pagoda before, and we believe that everyone has mastered how to buy a tile mover's VPS from scratch and build a accessible WordPress website (the tutorial of building a tile mover's pagoda). It's not difficult to build, but is it difficult to migrate websites? For example, we originally set up a website (details) on a VPS in Los Angeles, USA of the tile movers. For some reasons, we decided to set up a website


Tutorial for tile movers to build a website: how to install OpenLiteSpeed environment on Ubuntu 20.04

Bandwagonhost released on 2022-05-17

OpenLiteSpeed is a free open source web server developed by LiteSpeed Technologies. Known as a lightweight and well optimized Web server, OpenLiteSpeed combines security, simplicity and speed into one package, thus improving the performance of managed Web applications. OpenLite...


WordPress anti spam comment plug-in: Akismet spam comment protection/free account acquisition and activation


Bandwagonhost released on 2021-06-17

After setting up the WordPress website, if user comments are enabled, it is easy to encounter a lot of junk comments. Basically, we use the software to send some garbage comments in batches. If we handle them manually, sometimes it will be very annoying, because there may be a lot of them. So a WordPress anti spam comment plug-in is very necessary. Fortunately, WordPress officially provides such a


Pagoda Linux Toolbox makes it easy to set Swap virtual memory/system time zone/system password/memory disk, etc


Bandwagonhost released on April 20, 2021

Today, we saw that there is a Linux toolbox in Baota, which can easily set the DNS of VPS, add Swap virtual memory to VPS, set the time zone of VPS system, modify the password of VPS system, configure the IP address of VPS, add memory disks and other operations. I feel this gadget is still very useful, so I'll make a record here. Mainly we use


Tutorial of building a pagoda for tile movers: What's the difference between free pagoda version, professional version and enterprise version? Is it necessary to buy?


Bandwagonhost released on March 29, 2021

Previously, I also introduced a series of website building tutorials for pagoda panels, which are basically the free version of pagoda functions. The basic functions of the pagoda are free, or most of the functions are free, and the free functions are enough. But in addition to the free version, pagoda actually has a professional version and an enterprise version. Both of them need to be paid, and they are not too cheap. So whether you need to buy Pagoda Professional Edition or Enterprise Edition is a comparison


Tutorial of building a pagoda station for tile movers: pagoda background terminal tool, which can log in to the local server or remote host


Bandwagonhost released on March 23, 2021

The pagoda background provides a terminal tool, which is equivalent to a client. You can log in to a local server or a remote server directly through SSH, and then use it just like our local client. Enter some commands, etc. At present, the pagoda panel doesn't seem to have anything to manage with the terminal, so I don't use this tool for the time being. In terms of security, I don't know what happens to the password or private key entered here