Pinlu new material class: if you understand these parameters, you won't just ask whether the tape is sticky or not

2023-12-20 09:13
one hundred and fifty-seven

Many people like to ask when buying tape: "Is this tape sticky?" Stickiness is indeed an important parameter of tape, but in addition to stickiness, there are many other parameters of tape. These parameters come from professional experimental testing. Today, we will simply popularize some common tape parameter concepts and related testing methods for everyone. If you feel useful, you can collect this article.


Initial adhesion

It refers to the adhesive force after the adhesive for pasting the surface and the tape briefly contacts with a small pressure, which can be called the initial adhesive force. China and Japan use the rolling ball slope stop test method. In brief, fix the adhesive surface of the tape upward on the slope of the equipment in the following figure, and then roll down small steel balls of different weights from above. The model of the largest steel ball that can be stuck by the test tape is its initial adhesion. The unit of rolling ball is "#".


The rolling distance of the ball is used as the measurement standard for the initial adhesion force test abroad, and the unit is mm.


Adhesive force

The adhesive force test of adhesive tape refers to sticking the adhesive tape on the test plate, hanging a certain weight under the test plate, and determining the adhesive force of adhesive tape according to the displacement length or falling off result of the adhesive tape after a certain period of time. This series of operations can be measured by a tape adhesion tester.


Peeling force

The peeling force can also be called the peeling strength, which refers to the force required to be used when the adhesive tape is stripped from the bonding surface per unit length. The peel strength test can be divided into two types according to the peel angle, namely 90 degrees and 180 degrees. The unit of peeling force is N/cm (N/cm).


Tensile resistance and elongation

The tensile strength (also called tensile strength) tests the force required to break the tape. The unit is N/cm (N/cm). The elongation test is the ratio of the elongation of the tape when it is pulled off to the initial length. Tensile resistance and elongation are usually tested together.


The above is only a small part of the tape performance test, and different tapes need to meet different national standards/international standards. For example, the GMW16740 standard for automotive harness adhesive tape requires a lot of test items, which takes a long time.

It should be added that the stronger the tape is, the better it is. It should be determined according to the use and demand of the tape. For example, some tapes that are only used for temporary pasting do not need too strong adhesive force. Ordinary daily tapes do not need high temperature resistance. The performance of the tape needs to be compared with that of the same kind in the longitudinal direction. After understanding these basic parameters, we will have a more comprehensive understanding of the tape.

Egret Electrical Appliance ——One stop service provider of tape in the whole industry chain

Aluminum foil tape mesh ——26 years of professional research, development and production of aluminum tape

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