🏠 Cross border information Alibaba International Station Launches Cross border E-commerce International Student Talent Creation Camp Competition

Alibaba International Station Launches Cross border E-commerce International Student Talent Creation Camp Competition

 Minecraft Minecraft Date: 2012-01-06 17:43 Views: 643 share

Recently, Alibaba The International Station, together with Tsinghua University and other universities, jointly launched the first cross-border e-commerce international student talent creation camp competition. The purpose is to further explore and cultivate cross-border e-commerce talents, especially to explore a systematic talent training model and path, and to cultivate urgently needed overseas students to bring goods to cross-border e-commerce.

 Alibaba International Station Launches Cross border E-commerce International Student Talent Creation Camp Competition

The first cross-border e-commerce international student talent creation camp competition was selected in Beijing, which belongs to the northern region of Ali International Station, and will be held in Shenzhen, Shanghai and other places in succession.

It is reported that this competition is a new attempt of Ali International Station to cultivate cross-border e-commerce talents. The competition has set up two awards, namely "Talent Award" and "Big Brother Award", including 3 Talent Awards and 1 Big Brother Award. After the establishment of the company, all winners will have the opportunity to join the Qingmei Zhaofeng Live Entrepreneurship Accelerated Growth Plan, serve a large number of customers and businesses in Alibaba International Station, and further promote economic integration between China and foreign countries.

 Alibaba International Station Launches Cross border E-commerce International Student Talent Creation Camp Competition

It is understood that as early as 2015, Alibaba International Station launched the cross-border e-commerce talent cultivation project, which is mainly for college students to carry out cross-border e-commerce operation and other professional training. At the beginning of 2020, the Ministry of Education confirmed the "1+X" project of vocational training, and Alibaba International Station is a cross-border e-commerce B2B Exclusive training and evaluation organization for data operation talents.

Up to now, Ali International Station has cooperated with 513 colleges and universities across the country, and has cultivated more than 350000 cross-border e-commerce professionals. At the same time, it will also promote the construction of overseas talent pool.

It is worth mentioning that Alibaba International Station recently announced the launch of the "Millions of Foreign Trade Talents Plan". It is expected that in the next two years, it will cooperate with 2000+universities to build talent bases and industry colleges in the foreign trade industry, cultivate 1 million cross-border e-commerce talents, and open the cross-border e-commerce training simulation platform and related advanced training system to universities and businesses for free. (Source: E-commerce News

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