🏠 Cross border information In 2021, the import and export volume of Lanzhou cross-border e-commerce will increase by 44.59% year on year

In 2021, the import and export volume of Lanzhou cross-border e-commerce will increase by 44.59% year on year

 Minecraft Minecraft Date: 2022-01-21 10:45 Views: 642 share

On January 21, according to the Lanzhou Evening News, on January 20, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, held a meeting to promote cross-border e-commerce work. It is reported that in 2021, Lanzhou will achieve 581 million yuan of cross-border e-commerce import and export, a year-on-year increase of 44.59%, of which B2B The export volume was 549 million yuan, up 41.92% year on year, B2C Import was 22.8877 million yuan, up 49.99% year on year, and B2C export was 9.482 million yuan.

 In 2021, the import and export volume of Lanzhou cross-border e-commerce will increase by 44.59% year on year

It is reported that it has been approved since August 2018 cross-border e-commerce Since the comprehensive pilot zone, Lanzhou has built a public service platform for cross-border e-commerce in Lanzhou, with 195 enterprises settling in; Build two cross-border e-commerce industrial parks in Lanzhou High tech Zone and Lanzhou Silk Road Cross border E-commerce Industrial Park, with 40 enterprises settled in; It has built two cross-border e-commerce talent incubation centers, including Lanzhou Jiaotong University School of Economics and Management and Lanzhou Vocational and Technical College, and cultivated 20 incubated enterprises.

In 2020, Lanzhou will achieve cross-border e-commerce import and export volume of 402 million yuan, up 37% year on year.

According to Lanzhou cross-border Electronic Commerce Statistics from the public service platform show that by the end of January 2021, Lanzhou has accumulated more than 700 million yuan in cross-border e-commerce transactions. In addition, Lanzhou has also established two cross-border e-commerce supervision centers, namely, Lanzhou New Area Comprehensive Security Zone (bonded stock up) and Lanzhou Railway Port New Area Operation Zone (cross-border direct purchase), to carry out bonded stock up and cross-border direct purchase businesses respectively.

It is reported that from January to November 2021, Lanzhou will achieve cross-border e-commerce import and export volume of 568 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 51.9%.

Among them, B2B exports amounted to 538 million yuan, up 45.76% year on year, B2C imports amounted to 20675600 yuan, up 319.19% year on year, and B2C exports amounted to 9.482 million yuan. (Source: E-commerce News

key word: Cross border e-commerce B2B outlet B2C import B2C outlet

Original title: In 2021, the import and export volume of Lanzhou cross-border e-commerce will increase by 44.59% year on year

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