🏠 Cross border information AliExpress 618 war report: total paid in transactions of the platform increased by 52% year on year

AliExpress 618 war report: total paid in transactions of the platform increased by 52% year on year

 Beaming with Joy Beaming with Joy Date: 13:38, July 30, 2021 Views: 438 share

On July 30, Alibaba AliExpress The 618 war report officially disclosed today shows that the total transaction volume of the platform increased by 52% year on year, the number of daily buyers increased by 36% year on year, and the average customer price increased by 12% year on year. Among them, Russia, Brazil and Spain maintained a strong momentum, and the final total paid in transactions increased by 43%, 211% and 67% year on year.

 AliExpress 618 war report: total paid in transactions of the platform increased by 52% year on year

From the perspective of industry categories, communication, consumer electronics, household goods, sports&entertainment, auto parts and other industry categories are favored by overseas consumers and have made a good start. Tens of thousands of orders were made for several items, such as false eyelashes, shoelaces and oral cleaners. The number of orders and sales increased rapidly during the 618 promotion period.

It is reported that Russia is AliExpress The largest market of. In the past year, AliExpress has continuously upgraded its logistics services in Russia. At present, 85% of Russia's orders will reach the target within 15 days, and in the future, the coverage rate of Russia will reach more than 90% within 10 days. In 2021, AliExpress will be built in St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar and Novosibirsk Overseas warehouse Set up 8000+self promotion points, covering key cities in Russia.

Since the beginning of 2021, the number of sellers in the Russian market of AliExpress has doubled, and the number of new sellers in the first quarter has increased by 35% year on year. In April, 45000 Russian sellers entered the platform, and by the beginning of July, there had been 61000 Russian sellers on AliExpress.

In late June, AliExpress planned to expand its business in Brazil, increasing the number of chartered flights from China to Brazil every week to 6. Chinese goods purchased by Brazilian consumers could reach Brazil within 7 days at most.

The analysis report of Spanish shopping APP in the first quarter of 2021 released by the authoritative analysis company Smartme Analytics shows that AliExpress has a 62.5% market share, surpassing the 58.1% market share Amazon , became the most popular shopping software in Spain. At the same time, the 7.8% growth rate also made AliExpress the fastest growing shopping software in market share. (Source: E-commerce News

key word: AliExpress Alibaba

Original title: AliExpress 618 war report: total paid in transactions of the platform increased by 52% year on year

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