🏠 Cross border information Amazon logistics new options plan will be launched in April this year

Amazon logistics new options plan will be launched in April this year

 Amazon Little Brother Amazon Little Brother Date: 09:51, January 7, 2020 Views: 3818 share

On January 7, Amazon opened stores worldwide Yesterday issued a notice saying that Amazon Logistics+ New selection plan.

 Amazon logistics new options plan will be launched in April this year

On April 1, 2020, Amazon The program will be launched in the United States, Europe and Japan. At Amazon America Station, qualified Amazon logistics new choice ASIN You will have the opportunity to receive free monthly storage, free removal and free return processing.

However, it should be noted that this plan is limited to the new parent ASIN of Amazon Logistics, and within 90 days after the goods arrive at the Amazon operation center, Amazon Logistics will exempt the monthly storage fees for the first 50 goods of each new parent ASIN. In addition, for clothing, shoes and boots, Amazon Logistics will also waive the return processing fee for up to 50 items per parent ASIN.

For the qualified sellers who have joined Amazon Logistics and registered after the implementation of the plan, Amazon America will be exempted from the warehousing transportation fee of $100. Inventory performance indicators ( IPI )Sellers with scores no less than 400 and no storage restrictions can join the program.

according to Cross border communication I understand that Amazon Logistics implemented a time limited fee last March Promotion The new ASIN meeting certain restrictions can get the discount of reducing the monthly storage fee and removal fee.

Influenced by the success of the event, Amazon Logistics decided to launch a new product selection plan, which was also an enhanced version of the promotion plan last year.

In addition, Amazon Logistics has become more and more strict in terms of cargo transportation regulations. In November last year, it issued new regulations requiring batteries Manufacturing+ The dealers and distributors must provide a summary of the test certificate of battery products in accordance with UN 38.3 standard. (Source: E-commerce News

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