🏠 Cross border information New eBay stars who have become tens of millions of sellers within half a year: strategy and refined management are the key!

New eBay stars who have become tens of millions of sellers within half a year: strategy and refined management are the key!

 Cross border communication Cross border communication Date: 2019-09-03 23:19 Views: 1985 share

  New eBay stars who have become tens of millions of sellers within half a year: strategy and refined management are the key!

In the early autumn of last year, a domestic e-commerce company opened the store by selling millet bracelets eBay European market. At the beginning of this spring, they joined forces with Xiaomi's official eBay The first online "Rice Noodle Festival" was held at the European Station.

As of June this year, the company's GMV It has increased by more than 200 times and achieved the sales target of 10 million dollars. In July alone, their sales on the eBay platform reached millions of dollars.

So what is the origin of this mysterious company? How did they "counterattack" to achieve "coming from behind"?

Recently, with the introduction of George, the business development manager of eBay, Jerry Ma, CEO of this "mysterious and low-key" e-commerce company, Yidao Times E-commerce Company (hereinafter referred to as "Yidao E-commerce"), accepted Cross border knowledge He shared his successful experience and introduced the secret of the rapid growth of Yidao e-commerce from the dimensions of product supply chain, Chinese intelligent manufacturing and brand going abroad.

At a time when industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce and multi platform operation has become a trend, eBay e-commerce can become a "hit" on eBay, which was not expected by CEO Jerry Ma. "In fact, we have been 'moving bricks' all the time and selling products hard, so we are' famous'.".

  New eBay stars who have become tens of millions of sellers within half a year: strategy and refined management are the key!

(From left to right: Robbie, Marketing Director of Yidao E-commerce, Jerry Ma, CEO, George, Business Development Manager of eBay in Greater China)

Fine management helps the rapid growth of overseas market

"I have worked in the mobile phone industry for almost 20 years, engaged in downstream, midstream and upstream work, and witnessed the development of China's mobile phone industry from the earliest feature phone, PHS, to 3G, 4G mobile phones, and now to the latest 5G smart phone.

So now every time a mobile phone manufacturer launches a new mobile phone, we can make a rough estimate when we see the product, and judge whether this product will sell well. ”Jerry Ma, CEO of Yidao E-commerce, said.

It is reported that from July 2018, Yidao E-commerce will open Cross border e-commerce Business, sales and agency operation of Xiaomi, Xiaomi Ecological Chain, Huami and other leading brands and its own 3C peripheral products on overseas e-commerce platforms.

In August last year, Yidao opened its first websites in some European countries to enter the market with millet bracelets. Later, it successively opened websites in other European countries.

Although it has not been engaged in cross-border e-commerce business for a long time, the achievements of Yidao e-commerce are impressive.

Take eBay, an overseas e-commerce platform, for example. In the first half of this year, their sales on this platform reached tens of millions of dollars, and GMV grew more than 200 times, becoming one of the most attractive new sellers of eBay in 2019.

Due to the rapid upgrading of mobile phones due to technological progress, large price fluctuations, and also great challenges in purchase, sales, inventory and cost measurement, from the perspective of cross-border e-commerce, considering the large capital occupation, low gross profit, slow turnover, high requirements for product management, most sellers who are unfamiliar with the industry dare not easily try mobile phones.

So what is the secret for Yidao E-commerce, as a cross-border e-commerce practitioner in the mobile phone field, to achieve high-speed growth?

Jerry Ma shared his experience—— It is to use boutique focused e-commerce model to layout overseas markets, which is highly focused in strategy and refined in tactics.

"It's really hard to control the whole market, especially for mobile phone products with huge backlog of funds. Otherwise, there will be a pile of inventory, leading to a loss of money.

Distribution The model is not applicable to the current cross-border e-commerce "Jerry Ma said frankly the importance of precise selection," we have SKU Not much, but Each SKU will be clearly positioned, and refined operation management will be carried out ".

  New eBay stars who have become tens of millions of sellers within half a year: strategy and refined management are the key!

(The picture shows Jerry Ma, CEO of Yidao E-commerce)

For example, before launching a new brand, the e-Commerce team of Yidao will carefully study each product, including what price? How much? How about inventory? What is the future inventory demand? What is the gross profit rate of each product?

Use tables to record all the data. Through the data, we can know how much money we have made today, which goods are easy to sell, which are not easy to sell, and which inventory days are too long.

If ten products are to be launched at the same time, Yidao e-commerce team will evaluate the products according to the prediction, and one or two of the most popular products will be inclined to stock up, while two or three of the average products will be kept in stock, and the remaining products will be "pure OTC", with less stock up, reducing the possibility of loss.

Jerry Ma believes that mobile phone products priced between 150 and 250 dollars have the most price advantage.

  New eBay stars who have become tens of millions of sellers within half a year: strategy and refined management are the key!

(The picture shows Robbie, the marketing director of Yidao E-commerce)

How to carry out refined management Robbie, an e-commerce company of Yidao, also introduced his experience in the operation process.

"Our company attaches great importance to ERP data and daily reports, and sets corresponding management indicators to conduct global real-time monitoring. After all, we do business to the C end, directly facing terminal consumers, so we have strict control over product inventory: Research the data of existing products in the first four weeks before stocking, predict the sales volume in the next two weeks, accurately stock up to reduce inventory backlog, improve the ability to grasp the life cycle of their own products, quickly adjust the stock volume, and ensure the normal and healthy turnover of products. ”Yidao's monthly product return rate on eBay worldwide remains at a low level.

Three parties jointly held the first eBay Germany "Rice Noodle Festival"

In addition, promoting the brand through activities is also one of the important strategies for Yidao E-commerce to layout overseas markets.

In April this year, Yidao E-commerce, together with Xiaomi official and eBay, held the first "Rice Noodle Festival" on the platform, which was the first time that Xiaomi, as the representative of Chinese intelligent manufacturing, borrowed foreign e-commerce platforms to carry out large-scale online Promotion The exposure activities will enable overseas consumers to better understand Chinese mobile phone brands.

Jerry Ma said frankly: "In fact, Xiaomi began to attach importance to cross-border e-commerce only in Q4 last year. At the beginning of this year, we spent several months preparing the 'Rice Noodle Festival', which is a good attempt for overseas promotion of Chinese brands. Next, we will also join hands with other well-known Chinese brands to do the 'China Famous Brand Festival'.".

According to George, it is not easy to achieve such a deep cooperation. It has gone through a long process of trial, communication, cooperation and trust, which has consolidated the stickiness between the platform side and sellers and suppliers step by step.

The "Rice Noodle Festival" is of great significance. "This is the first time that domestic sellers, manufacturers, brands and overseas platforms have launched activities aimed at overseas users and local consumers, which is different from the previous platforms and nodes.

It not only demonstrates the power of Chinese brands to go to sea, but also provides good overseas marketing ideas for later sellers, brands and platforms, which is very useful for reference. ".

Positioning and strategy oriented layout of overseas markets

When it comes to suggestions for new sellers, "strategy" and "positioning" are high-frequency words given by Jerry Ma.

"The strategic layout is very important, especially in the face of market saturation and more and more sellers, if you want to do long-term business, you must first find your own position and make strategic deployment, rather than copying the past distribution model or doing some illegal follow up operations".

"After the strategy is arranged, it is necessary to gather a group of truly experienced professional talents and build an elite team to achieve the company's development goals".

Jerry Ma introduced to the reporter that at present, Yidao E-Commerce is composed of more than 50 employees, who are responsible for the operation of eBay and other platforms, and all have rich relevant work experience.

"In fact, we were very cautious when exploring new platforms in the early stage," Jerry Ma added, "to create a record on eBay, we need to thank the eBay BD team for keeping close communication with us and helping us integrate internal and external resources, thus strengthening our determination to make long-term strategic investment in eBay".

About brand going to sea

Cross border knowledge: What is your opinion on the role of Chinese sellers in brand launching?

Jerry Ma: I think cross-border e-commerce sellers must give full play to their online marketing functions and become a market operator. We should be able to integrate multiple resources.

The seller will conduct the trading, according to the data of the platform and the feedback of consumers, send the market demand to the manufacturer, help the manufacturer adjust the product production plan, sales plan, etc., and constantly improve to produce better products.

About Team Management

Cross border knowledge: How do you manage your team? How is performance appraisal formulated?

Jerry Ma: First of all, our team rarely meets.

Because the e-commerce industry is more efficient, it is a waste of time to spend a lot of time in meetings.

Employees' daily problems are all solved through timely communication with the supervisor. If the supervisor is not able to deal with them through direct online communication, problems must be raised; In addition, the process of reporting does not generate value, because all the information reported is information that can be seen by the ERP system, so we use resources where the most value is generated.

Secondly, our employee reward mechanism is very transparent. We can see the data table every day. Is there any loss? Which products have high gross profit? When employees see how much they sell today, they generally know how much commission they have, and their autonomy will naturally improve.

About future development

Cross border knowledge: What is the future development plan of the company?

Jerry Ma: In the future, we will focus on the market of eBay in the United States and Australia, add some new sites, and cooperate with more Chinese brands made in China; In terms of long-term planning, we plan to complete cross-border e-commerce supply chain, cross-border e-commerce agent operation, and ERP system services in the next three years, Overseas warehouse The transformation of service technology-based enterprises such as one-stop distribution has become a three in one cross-border unicorn company integrating cross-border e-commerce self operation, cross-border e-commerce ERP system output and cross-border e-commerce comprehensive service provider. (Text | Summer Night)

key word: eBay Cross border market

Original title: New eBay stars who have become tens of millions of sellers within half a year: strategy and refined management are the key!

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