🏠 Marketing promotion Basic operation ideas of Shopee store (I)

Basic operation ideas of Shopee store (I)

 Foreign trade idlers Foreign trade idlers Date: 2019-09-03 20:57 Views: 2105 share

 Basic operation ideas of Shopee store (I)

1、 Market analysis: the data source is business staff, and the official data is more accurate.

1. Industry product distribution

A、 What kind of products to find and what kind of sales to achieve (the opening of new stores can optimize the store foundation, as described in the title of the main figure, optimize and improve Conversion rate , obtaining natural basic flow);

B、 Analysis of product characteristics and selling points;

C、 Find a suitable promotion method: generally, choose the products that are suitable for the current promotion, preempt the market, or find unique products with scarcity, run fast, focus on free traffic, and add Promotion Activities, etc.

2. Store sales distribution

Look for hot stores in the same industry, analyze hot selling products and price ranges, and the characteristics of hot selling products, learn from successful marketing experience, and choose your own main products in a differentiated way.

3. Sales distribution

A、 Analysis of product keyword search volume (daily search volume, optimization, promotion)

B、 Sales distribution: ① First level category: price distribution (sales volume concentration range price, average hot selling price range level of single item, hot selling price proportion), ② Second level category: price distribution (sales concentration range, percentage of the whole network), select popularity ranking

C、 Main objectives: find hot selling products and price ranges, analyze the characteristics of hot selling products, use the product sales benchmark as a reference, select the main keywords or main categories, and provide a basis for the main direction of the product.

2、 Customer analysis

1. Main objectives

To provide reference for store decoration and marketing activities, start from the experience of the main target customers, consider the main colors of the store, design the customer access path described on the commodity page, design the product problems that customers care about and pay attention to first, tell customers why they want to buy this product, so as to quickly dispel customers' doubts and let customers clinch a deal immediately.

2. Analysis factors

Gender, age, region, occupation, consumption habits and interests. We should know more about what products we need to buy than customers, so as to better tap effective customers and potential customers.

3、 Product analysis

1. Main objectives

Through data analysis, what kind of customers buy what kind of products, to determine the main products, product price range, whether the main products have the opportunity to sell.

2. Predict hot products

From customer preferences, product innovation, price, brand, selling points, customer unit price, and comparison with similar products, analyze why our products are hot, how long will the hot sale last, and how to find hot selling alternatives.

4、 Store/page analysis

1. Main objectives

Analyze the decoration effect by clicking the heat map of the business staff, and design a page that is more consistent with the customer experience and purchase behavior.

2. Speak with data

By comparing the data before and after modification, you can know which data has gone up and which data has gone down after the modification, so as to better guide the design of the page. Data reference indicators are: click indicators, user behavior indicators, user browsing behavior indicators, performance indicators, conversion rate, traffic indicators, etc.

3. What to analyze

A、 Shop homepage:

① The main goal is to retain visitors as much as possible and effectively divert them.

② First screen, navigation, classification, search page, home page focus map

③ Click Distribution

B、 Product page:

④ The main goal is to improve the conversion rate and the customer price

⑤ Marketing oriented: product introduction, selling points, relation Sales and after-sales commitments.

C、 It is mainly the data on the product page that should be focused on, because the customer behavior path is to enter the store page through the product page, which is just the opposite of the path of the physical store to see the products again.

5、 Team/enterprise analysis

In operation, it is more necessary to find team advantages, integrate various resources of the team, and lead and manage the whole team. The promotion and marketing work is just to improve sales and create Hot money OK, it's a small part of operation. Operation is to give full play to the advantages of each member of the team, make the same direction, unite as one, and try our best to do the whole project well.

key word: Shopee Store operation

Original title: Basic operation ideas of Shopee store (I)

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