🏠 Foreign exchange settlement

Foreign exchange settlement

 The latest individual exchange policy

The latest individual exchange policy

All businesses engaged in cross-border business should pay attention to the latest exchange policy, so what regulations are proposed in the latest exchange policy? Let's follow the editor to see! 1. According to the Rules for the Implementation of the Measures for the Administration of Individual Foreign Exchange

2020-10-29  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide

 Do you dare to exchange foreign exchange privately?

Do you dare to exchange foreign exchange privately?

The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China jointly issued the Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases of Illegal Engaging in Capital Settlement, Payment and Settlement Business and Illegal Trading in Foreign Exchange, which clearly stipulates that the implementation of the Interpretation shall be reversed

2020-10-29  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide

 New regulations on individual exchange in 2019

New regulations on individual exchange in 2019

Nowadays, more and more people in the circle of friends go abroad to study, and the country has more and more strict control on individual exchange. If you do not understand the regulations on individual exchange, you may have violated the law. So, let's work together

2020-10-29  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide

 Personal exchange strategy: two minutes to let you know how to exchange

Personal exchange strategy: two minutes to let you know how to exchange

For ordinary people, there is also a need to pay attention to exchange. For example, if 100000 yuan is used to exchange US dollars in the bank, the final exchange amount of two different banks may differ by nearly 100 yuan. If bills of exchange, telegraphic transfers and cheques are used, there may also be

2020-10-29  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide

 What is the exchange cost? Exchange cost that you should pay attention to

What is the exchange cost? Exchange cost that you should pay attention to

As a foreign trader, we should be familiar with what the exchange cost is. It is defined as the cost of domestic currency (RMB) for an export commodity to exchange a unit of foreign exchange. It is an indicator to measure the profit and loss of export business of foreign trade enterprises

2020-10-29  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide

 What should we pay attention to when calculating the exchange cost?

What should we pay attention to when calculating the exchange cost?

The exchange cost is an unavoidable barrier for export tax rebate of foreign trade enterprises. No matter how long you are engaged in this industry, you will encounter this problem more or less. Even in some areas, the competent tax bureau can exchange foreign exchange into

2020-10-29  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide

 How much do you know about exchange?

How much do you know about exchange?

Nowadays, more and more people go abroad to travel and study. The necessary link for going abroad is to exchange foreign exchange. However, it is not very convenient for our country to conduct individual exchange, so I will introduce how individuals exchange.  &nbs...

2020-10-27  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide

 What is the exchange and export cost?

What is the exchange and export cost?

Some readers ask what exchange is for small editors? What is the export cost of exchange? Next, let's talk about the exchange and the export cost of exchange. Let's have a look! The cost of export exchange refers to the net income of export commodities

2020-10-27  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide

 What is exchange rate? How to query exchange rate?

What is exchange rate? How to query exchange rate?

What is China's exchange rate quotation? How to query an exchange rate quotation? Do you all know? I don't know, just join me and see what they mean! Exchange rate refers to the ratio of exchange between two currencies

2020-10-10  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide

 What rules should be followed in speculation of exchange rate?

What rules should be followed in speculation of exchange rate?

With the development of the economy, the investment channels of individual investors are gradually diversified. As an investment form that has been mature for decades in foreign countries, the exchange rate speculation has entered the sight of ordinary Chinese people as soon as possible

2020-10-07  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide

 How to calculate the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB?

How to calculate the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB?

Due to the difference in interest rates among countries, investors transfer their funds from countries with low interest rates to countries with high interest rates in order to obtain higher returns. In the past year, the US dollar has continuously appreciated with continuous interest rate hikes, and since this year

2020-10-07  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide

 What is the source of funds in the offshore RMB market?

What is the source of funds in the offshore RMB market?

What is the source of funds in the offshore RMB market? Today, I'll give you some answers. Let's have a look! At present, China's capital account has not been fully opened, and domestic RMB funds flow out into the offshore market

2020-09-20  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide

 What are the main products of offshore RMB?

What are the main products of offshore RMB?

Some readers asked what are the main products of offshore RMB? Next, I will explain it to you. Let's have a look! 1. Hong Kong RMB futures (trading code CUS) Hong Kong Stock Exchange 20

2020-09-19  Cross border Guide Cross border Guide