🏠 Cross border platform eBay EBay account should be raised like this

EBay account should be raised like this

 damaiking damaiking Date: 2011-02-25 17:04 Views: 1893 share

As a small partner of cross-border e-commerce, they have encountered difficult problems, such as Amazon The account for social marketing is unstable and frozen eBay In order making, there is a problem of card swallowing. So why does this problem occur? That is, risk control. To put it bluntly, the algorithm mechanism has changed. How should we deal with it?

1、 account number

Maybe many small partners know that the number with weight is much more stable both in order swiping and evaluation. The quality of the account depends not only on the registration time, but also on the number that has been kept for a long time. As many small partners complain, the number that has been kept for a long time will be hung up after placing an order. If it is better to directly hang up, at least it will not waste resources and time later. We have been tested for a long time, and such problems are often caused by your early adoption relation For example, a ip Many accounts are bound for maintenance, or the environment is not handled properly, resulting in fingerprint tracking. The giant elephant fingerprint browser I use is outstanding in terms of environment:

(1) It not only supports Chrome Browser, also supports Firefox Browser, and you can also choose to set the browser version, canvas fingerprint SSL Fingerprint, font fingerprint, etc;

(2) Support setting device parameters, such as operating system, graphics card, graphics card model, etc. We all know that the platform will obtain these parameters to determine whether it is robot operation;

 EBay account should be raised like this

(3) Disablable flash Plug in, disable picture, modify MAC Address, etc. Disabling some functions can not only save traffic costs, but also avoid being tracked, because we know that plug-ins are also one of the factors determining e-commerce platforms;

(4) You can obtain and use ip The corresponding language and time zone are simpler, which is equivalent to that you are in a region and use the language of that region;

(5) Batch automation settings. With so many fingerprints and parameter settings, it may be too difficult. I don't know how to set them. Here you can choose intelligent settings, heavy settings, light settings, moderate settings, and random settings. The system can set different environments for you.

2、 Resource issues

About resource issues (such as credit cards ip , receiving address) This requires more attention from the partners themselves, such as:

one ip Question.

Some friends may be confused, ip It's really useful, even if real users abroad can't use only one ip , you can place an order successfully. But people really use it, if ip Even the camouflage is not enough, for example, the real ip Address. Secondly, many ip All are computer rooms ip It is also easy to relate to a computer room. It is obvious that you are not alone in using it. So in ip In terms of selection, select the niche, such as ip If the address is selected from a small number of sites, the degree of use is not very high. Next, use some websites to query.

two )Other issues

There is nothing to say about credit card and other resource problems. In case of card swallowing, change the card section. For information on Juxiang fingerprint browser, please contact WeChat: nineteen billion nine hundred and twenty-three million six hundred and fifty-eight thousand and forty

key word: eBay

Original title: EBay account should be raised like this

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