🏠 Cross border platform eBay The difference and advantages between eBay's local seller account in the United States and its domestic account in China

The difference and advantages between eBay's local seller account in the United States and its domestic account in China

 Cross border communication Cross border communication Date: 09:05, September 12, 2019 View: 4465 share

 The difference and advantages between eBay's local seller account in the United States and its domestic account in China

Today I would like to share with you the registration of Chinese companies eBay How to register eBay with an American company:

Chinese company eBay enterprise account application materials
*Please provide the following information for the application of registered trademark and product certification:
1. Business license of mainland company (for those with more than one year, there is no mandatory category to be operated)
2. Tax registration certificate
3. Product certification (at least one CE, ROSH, FCC, 3C)
4. Registered trademark (those who have obtained the acceptance certificate for at least half a year)
5. Color scanning copy of the front and back of the ID card of the enterprise legal person or operator

*Please provide the following information for the application without registered trademark and product certification:
1. Business license of mainland company (for those with more than one year, there is no mandatory category to be operated)
2. Tax registration certificate
3. Color scanning copy of the front and back of the ID card of the enterprise legal person or operator

If the information is complete, the account registration is completed within 1-2 weeks

Application materials for eBay corporate account of American company
1. eBay in the US is different from that in China. There is no difference between personal account and company account. It starts with personal account
2. Email and credit card
3. The U.S. eBay account registration qualification is only open to U.S. citizens, U.S. green card holders, and foreigners legally residing in the United States. To apply for the seller function, it is only open to holders who have a U.S. SSN (equivalent to a Chinese ID card number) or an equivalent identity. If the Chinese want to register an account in the United States, they need skills.
If the information is complete, the account registration will take 20 minutes

Differences and advantages between local eBay seller accounts in the United States and domestic eBay accounts in China
1. Seller's registration qualification and certification standards
EBay accounts in the United States and accounts in other regions are free of charge.
US eBay account registration is open to US citizens, US green card holders, and foreigners legally residing in the US. To apply for the seller function, it is only open to holders who have a U.S. SSN (equivalent to a Chinese ID card number) or an equivalent identity.
Unlike sellers in China who need to do complicated and time-consuming cross-border authentication, American sellers do not need to do any authentication, let alone wait. Anyone who is not on eBay's blacklist can register at any time.
2. Sales quota and sales quota promotion of SELLING LIMIT
EBay treats all new accounts registered in any region and country equally. All new accounts are allowed to sell from 5 per month, which increases gradually according to account performance. Even the U.S. Business account (enterprise account) is no exception.
There are two ways to increase the sales quota of the US account: 1) Call the EBAY customer service representative to apply for the opportunity once a month, and explain the reason for applying for increasing the sales quota. The customer service representative will decide whether to increase the sales quota on the spot after reviewing the account performance. 2) Naturally, the account automatically increases the sales quota. If the account performs normally, and the seller has few complaints, eBay will automatically increase the sales quota when it can use up the sales quota given by eBay every month
For Chinese seller accounts, it is almost impossible to automatically increase the sales quota. It is impossible to avoid the process of incessant entanglement with eBay customers to increase the sales quota.

3. Sales scope
American seller accounts can be sold on any site in the world of eBay, as can Chinese seller accounts that have passed transnational certification.
Although certified sellers in any place of registration can sell their products on any eBay site, according to recent statistics, 30% of American buyers only buy products from American sellers whose products are local to the United States. Having an American seller account can expand more high-quality buyers.
4. Product display and search advantages
EBay US site is the largest and most important site of eBay. Products sold by American sellers in the United States rank first in display and search results.
5. Various expenses
Whether it is a U.S. seller account or other seller accounts, selling on eBay will generate listing fees and transaction fees, PayPal Fees.
Please click the following link to check the eBay fees of American sellers
Please click the following link to view PayPal fees
It can be seen that the listing fee of American sellers is significantly lower than that of international sellers. PayPal transfer to a local bank account in the United States is even more free.
In addition, American sellers can open three different kinds of stores, which can greatly save the listing fee.
American seller accounts are more likely to become TRS (top rate seller), and can enjoy the preferential policy of 20% discount on transaction fees.

key word: eBay EBay account

Original title: The difference and advantages between eBay's local seller account in the United States and its domestic account in China

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