🏠 Cross border platform eBay New eBay promotions are coming! The seller's product transaction fee is 1 pound!

New eBay promotions are coming! The seller's product transaction fee is 1 pound!

 Little Flying Dragon Goes to Sea Little Flying Dragon Goes to Sea Date: 09:57, June 10, 2020 Views: 1435 share

Recently, eBay Another transaction fee of £ 1 for sellers Listing Month Promotion Different from the last two events, the duration of the event is extended to one month from the previous one week, and will last until July 9.

 New eBay promotions are coming! The seller's product transaction fee is 1 pound!

Buyers should pay attention to the Listing Month of eBay

Activate the offer before creating listing.

Create a new listing before 23:59 p.m. on July 8.

Listing, the maximum number of each item within 30 days payment A closing fee of £ 1. After each successful transaction, the Final Value Fee discount will be automatically included.

This is an invitation only offer. After receiving the invitation, the seller must activate the offer between June 8, 2020 and July 8, 2020 at 23:59:59, and then list.

At closing, the qualified listing that has completed the transaction will automatically charge a closing fee of £ 1.

If you are a new seller of eBay and registered after March 26, 2020, this offer does not apply to you. The listing fee is 0, and you do not need to pay a transaction fee.

In addition, it is worth noting that during eBay's Listing Month promotion, the products automatically re listed through the automatic re listing function or those using the "Till Cancelled" function are not eligible for a transaction fee of 1 pound.

Finally, eBay aims to encourage sellers to add new inventory through this promotion, but in order to maximize cost savings, sellers should list the most expensive goods to maximize cost savings.

The complete terms and conditions can be found on the eBay website. (Source: Seller's home Compiled by: Nina)

key word: eBay Listing Month EBay Promotion

Original title: New eBay promotions are coming! The seller's product transaction fee is 1 pound!

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