🏠 Cross border encyclopedia Manufacturing+


 Cross border communication Cross border communication Date: February 11, 2020 23:26 Views: 2365 share

Amazon opened stores worldwide Manufacturing+Yes Amazon The services and exclusive resources provided by the global store opening team to Chinese manufacturing enterprises will be provided by the exclusive local service team of the manufacturing enterprises with comprehensive services and operational support, including the sharing and training of manufacturers' operational practices, technical consulting required for the docking of enterprise ERP system with Amazon system, international transportation logistics solutions, warehousing planning, and payment Solution recommendation, etc. Help it to expand overseas business, explore new business channels and build a global brand by leveraging cross-border e-commerce through Amazon's "global store opening".


Start date of manufacturing+project

Amazon's global store opening manufacturing+project was officially launched in September 2016, which is also one of the four strategic priorities of Amazon's "global store opening" in China in 2017.


Amazon Global Shop Manufacturing+Project itself will not incur additional costs, and all manufacturers will follow Amazon's professional sales plan costs.

Add "Manufacturing+" project requirements

1. Have the ability to design or manufacture products;

2. The business scope includes export trade;

3. Willing to expand cross-border e-commerce export business;

4. Be willing to create your own brand.


1. The products are sold to nine overseas markets, including the United States, Britain, Germany and Japan.

2. It has more than 300 million active users worldwide, including loyal Amazon Prime members.

3. Amazon "Manufacturing+", with the full range of professional services provided by Amazon, manufacturers can directly face consumers, get first-hand feedback, and help manufacturers design and manufacture more customer-centric and market-oriented products.

4. Amazon will also provide brand promotion and brand protection tools to help Chinese manufacturing enterprises build their own brands in the world and achieve a comprehensive upgrade from "Made in China" to "Global Brand".

matters needing attention

1. Do not sell products with potential safety hazards.

2. Do not register multiple accounts on the same platform.

3. Do not publish goods suspected of infringement.

4. Don't let your goods do not match the description.

5. Do not publish products that Amazon prohibits from selling.

6. Do not sell goods that have not obtained the necessary certification.

7. Pay attention to the shelf life of goods, and do not sell expired goods.

8. When creating a new product, do not use other people's pictures.

Manufacturing+project provision services

1. Opening and operation

International high-quality logistics resources+Amazon global store opening service, FBA One stop Cross border logistics And warehousing services

2. Business Plan 101

Professional team support, business opportunity sharing, one-on-one service

3. Brand building

A+product details page, Amazon product promotion, seckill and Promotion activity

4. Team building

Systematic online and offline team training, monthly/quarterly performance review

5. Technical support

Chinese seller center, global sales performance panel, ERP integration support

Difference between manufacturing+and global store opening

Amazon's global store opening "Manufacturing+" project is a customized investment attraction and operation support program for Chinese manufacturing enterprises. It will provide comprehensive services and exclusive local teams to jointly help Chinese manufacturing enterprises move to overseas markets.

1. Tailored

A support plan tailored specifically for Chinese manufacturing enterprises.

2. Full service

For those who are willing to open up cross-border e-commerce Manufacturing enterprises engaged in export business provide exclusive services.

3. Create a "global brand"

Help Chinese manufacturing enterprises explore new business channels and build "global brands" with the help of Amazon's global resources.

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label: Terminology Z

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