🏠 Cross border encyclopedia Tmall Global

Tmall Global

 Beaming with Joy Beaming with Joy Date: January 9, 2020 16:39 Views: 2325 share

Tmall Global (Tmall Global) Yes Alibaba On February 19, 2014, the Group announced the official launch of Tmall Global, which is mainly to directly supply overseas imported goods with original packaging for domestic consumers. On February 27, 2018, newbie Tmall used blockchain technology to trace the origin of overseas shopping commodities to crack down on logistics information fraud.

 Tmall Global

Need to know for settlement

1. Tmall Global can decide whether or not to allow entry according to the actual situation (including but not limited to brand demand, company business status, service level and other factors); At the same time, Tmall Global can require customers to provide other qualifications during the application and subsequent business stages; Tmall Global will update its entry and business standards from time to time in accordance with relevant national regulations, industry development trends and consumer purchase needs.

2. Businesses must provide truthful data and information.

Investment introduction

1. At present, Tmall Global is an invitation system for investment promotion, and the business categories of Tmall Global are detailed here.

2. The main body of opening a store should be an overseas or Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan entity.

3. Prioritize the recruitment of overseas and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan well-known entity stores/ B2C Website and overseas well-known brands that have not entered the Chinese market.

Store type

1. Brand flagship store

Private brands or brands with exclusive authorization directly provided by the trademark owner enter the stores opened by Tmall Global. In principle, brand flagship stores can only sell goods under corresponding brands. If the store brand is a group brand, it can sell goods under multiple brands of the group. Its goods must be directly sourced from the store brand trademark holder.

2. Flagship store

The brand trademark owner of offline supermarket chains, stores or online B2C websites or the subject directly authorized by the trademark owner to enter the stores opened by Tmall Global. At the same time, the goods sold by merchants can be traced back to 35 trademark holders of store brands and their corresponding trademark obligees.

3. Industry store flagship store

The main body of opening stores is the trademark owner of the brand of offline chain supermarkets, stores or online B2C websites that are mainly engaged in single industry categories (such as clothing, mother and baby, beauty, personal care, etc.) or the subject directly authorized by the trademark owner to enter the stores opened by Tmall Global. If the stores that meet the above conditions need to sell products of non industry brands, First level authorization from the brand side of the store shall be provided. The goods sold can be traced back to the 35 trademark holders of the store brand and their commodity brands.

4. Exclusive store

The brand trademark owner provides the authorization to enter the stores opened by Tmall Global.

5. Franchise store

Tmall Global operates two or more stores under the same business category.

Requirements for goods and services

1. Commodity:

(1) Commodities: join the Tmall Global Authentic Product Guarantee Plan, and the products originating or sold overseas will be formally entered into customs through international logistics via China overseas;

(2) Product page: the product information is described in Chinese, with international metric units of measurement, and equipped with Chinese Wangwang customer service;

(3) Logistics service: the goods can be delivered within 120 hours, and the personal package can be delivered directly, or from the bonded area of China to the hands of mainland consumers. The logistics information needs to be traceable; If the goods are sold to countries and regions outside the mainland of China, the delivery is required to be completed within 120 hours, and the specific delivery method is not mandatory. The logistics information needs to be traceable.

2. After sales service:

(1) Merchants selling goods to mainland China must set up return points in mainland China.

(2) Merchants selling goods to Hong Kong must set up a return point in Hong Kong.

(3) Merchants selling goods to Taiwan must set up return points in Taiwan.

Tariff standard


Tmall Global must pay a deposit for its operation. The deposit is mainly used to ensure that businesses operate in accordance with Tmall Global's specifications, and when businesses violate the regulations, it is used to provide Tmall Global and consumers with payment Liquidated damages. According to the nature of the store, the amount is as follows:

1. Unless otherwise specified, the normal deposit is 150000 yuan;

2. The deposit is 300000 yuan for the merchants whose goods are sold to two or more countries and regions;

3. The margin of Tmall Global's business category "adult products/sex toys" is 300000 yuan;

4. The margin of Tmall Global's business category "medical and health services" is 300000 yuan;

5. The margin of Tmall Global's business category "OTC drugs/medical devices/family planning products" is 300000 yuan;

6. Tmall Global operates the category of "health food/dietary supplement food", and the deposit is 300000 yuan;

7. The margin of Tmall Global's business category "milk powder/complementary food/nutritional products/snacks" is 300000 yuan;

8. The margin of Tmall Global's business category "maternity clothes/maternity supplies/nutrition" is 300000 yuan.

Note: If more than one unconventional margin commodity category is operated in the store at the same time, the store margin will be charged higher, and the amount will not be superimposed.

Annual fee

According to different business categories, there are two levels of 30000 yuan and 60000 yuan. Cross category business is charged according to the highest annual fee corresponding to the business category. See here for the annual fee standard corresponding to each first level category.

Real time deduction of technical service fee

Businesses operating on Tmall Global need to pay software service fees according to a certain percentage of their sales (referred to as "rate"). See here for the standards of service fees for various categories of software of Tmall Global.

Entry restrictions

1. The merchants who have been expelled from Tmall Global due to serious violations cumulatively or with a one-time deduction of 48 points will no longer cooperate with Tmall Global within two years from the date of dismissal. The scope of cooperation includes but is not limited to: changing the way of the business entity to reopen the returned stores, and the business entity of the returned stores with serious violations applies for opening new stores.

2. If a merchant voluntarily withdraws from Tmall Global, it shall not reopen the original store in the way of original subject or change subject within six months from the date of withdrawal.

development history

-Since Tmall Global's investment promotion in July 2013, overseas flagship stores have been opened in Tmall Global by overseas shopping platforms such as Zhuoyue, the second largest cosmetics group in Hong Kong, Tomori Yanxuan, Taiwan's largest TV shopping channel, Kenko, Japan's largest health care product B2C website, and ashford, the first website store for overseas shopping watches. Tmall Global has more than 140 stores, and NBTY, the largest cosmetics group in Hong Kong and the largest health care product group in the United States, is also planning to settle in Tmall Global.

-Since its launch in February 2014, Tmall Global has ranked its market share for more than four consecutive years. Tmall Global has attracted a total of 18000 overseas brands from more than 70 countries and regions, which has greatly enriched the supply of imported goods for domestic consumers.

-On June 24, 2015, following the announcement of the launch of the first national pavilion in May, the Juhuasuan platform under Alibaba Group and Tmall Global jointly launched the "global village" model. The national pavilions of the United States, Britain, France, Spain, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Turkey and other 11 countries were unveiled on Tmall Global. On the same day, Alibaba Juhuasuan Platform announced the full launch of cooperation with embassies of 20 countries, and more overseas specialty goods are expected to debut in Juhuasuan.

-In April 2018, Tmall Global West Lake Yintai Store, a new cross-border offline retail store, was opened. Since then, Tmall Global has maintained a three digit high growth both online and offline.


For the domestic market, the operation process of "overseas shopping" for domestic consumers is quite complicated. They need to understand English and hold foreign currency credit cards. After purchasing goods, they must send them back to China through a forwarding company, and it often takes 30 to 45 days. Tmall's online international channel greatly reduces the difficulty of purchasing overseas goods.

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