
 Cross border communication Cross border communication Date: 2019-12-26 19:49 Views: 3618 share

Promotion is Amazon The activities launched to encourage customers entering the store to buy more quantity and amount and increase their purchase desire can help increase the total sales amount of the store.


Promotion method

1. Free Shipping : You can enjoy free freight for goods as much as you buy or consume.

2. Percentage Off : You can reduce the amount of money or enjoy a certain discount for the amount of products you buy or the amount of consumption you consume.


  • new arrival;

  • Create hot or popular models;

  • Give away samples to obtain Review

3. Buy One Get One: After purchasing a certain number of products, you can get free products of the same kind or other products.

4. External Benefits: After purchasing a certain number of products, offer a discount for all or other products.

Note: This function has been suspended for technical reasons.

5、 Giveaway (Amazon lottery): launch traditional lottery or instant Chinese lottery for its products. Amazon does not charge for the lottery. In addition to the regular "I want to open a store" and/or Amazon Logistics+ Fees. The seller only needs to pay the fees, freight and taxes (if necessary) of the prize.

Note: At present, only sellers using Amazon Logistics can register ASIN into the lottery through the seller platform.

Advantages of using Amazon lottery

  • Increase browsing and sales

  • Build reputation of products and brands

  • Increase traffic and visibility

  • Create a sense of social presence: draw participants' attention by lottery Twitter , publish TWITTER message or watch YouTube Video to increase exposure and create social awareness.

necessary condition

Must be a professional sales plan seller.

It can be set without shopping cart, but it can't be displayed, and buyers can't know whether you have set promotion.

Promotion settings

1、 Free Shipping Setup Tutorial

It should be noted that only those who have buybox can do promotion, and goods delivered by Amazon will not participate in free shipping promotion.

Step 1: Log in to the Amazon background and enter the Promotion page;

Step 2: Click Create to enter the setting page of Free Shipping;

Step 3: Set Conditions;

Reminder: When setting the promotion, the seller should fill in the promotion from top to bottom, because the settings of the upper layer will affect the options below.

After selecting the Buyer purchase, the seller needs to fill in the following fields:

1. Purchased items: the seller selects some products as the objects of free shipping promotion;

2. Buyer gets: buyer discounts. The default is Free Shipping;

3. Applications to: which products can have free shipping promotion. By default, it is the goods purchased by the buyer;

4. Qualifying Shipping options: The seller can choose the free shipping method;

5. Advance Options: Each promotion has Advance Options. After clicking, the following 6 options will appear;

6. Advance Options - Exclude Items: In Free Shipping, the seller can exclude the goods not to participate in the promotion;

Step 4: Set Scheduling;

Set the start and end dates of your Amazon promotion, and name the promotion.

Step 5: A Set additional options;

This part is used to set the promotion message on the product page. The seller can change the content of this part by himself. If he does not want to rewrite the promotion message himself, he can use Amazon's default settings. If the seller needs to use the claim code function, he can also enable the claim code in step 3.

Step 6: After the above steps are completed, you can review the settings of this free shipping, and then click submit to end the settings.

2、 Amazon Free Shipping Setting Process

Step 1: Enter the seller's background first. For the US site, select Promotion from the advertising drop-down menu to enter the following figure. For the UK site, select Manage Promotion from the inventory drop-down menu;

Step 2: Click Create to enter the Money Off (Percentage Off) promotion rule setting page;

Step 3: Set the promotion conditions, and fill in according to your actual promotion activities;

Step 4: setting of activity time (Scheduling);

Step 5: setting additional options;

Step 6: Preview and submit.

3、 Setup tutorial of Buy One Get One

Step 1: Enter the Amazon seller background, select promotion in the advertising drop-down menu for the American site, click create to enter the buy one get one setting page, and select manage promotion in the inventory drop-down menu for the British site to enter the buy one get one setting page;

Step 2: We are now promoting the full store (if you want to buy one get one promotion for some products or categories, you should select "Create a new product selection")

Step 3: Select promotion conditions;

Step 4: Set the start and end time of the Amazon promotional activity by yourself (Scheduling);

Step 5: Set Additional Options. Here, you can generally use Amazon's default settings;

Step 6: Finally, click review, check and then click submit to submit. The effective time of the Buy One Get One promotion is subject to the US time.

4、 External Benefits Setup Tutorial

Step 1: Log in to our Amazon background and enter the Promotion page;

Step 2: Click Create to enter the setting page of External Benefits;

Step 3: Set Conditions;

Step 4: Set Scheduling;

Step 5: Set Additional Options;

Step 6: After setting the above data and no problem in preview, click Submit to submit.

Due to technical problems, External Benefits is temporarily suspended. Sellers can follow Amazon's background information at any time to learn about the trends.

5、 Setup tutorial of Giveaway (Amazon lottery)

Step 1: Before setting the lottery, the inventory should be added to the lottery plan on the setting page:

Go to Settings>Amazon Logistics>Lottery Settings>Enable;

Step 2: Select "Promotion" from the "Advertising" drop-down menu;

Step 3: click "Create lottery giveaway";

Step 4: Select your product and click "Set raffle", you will come to the "Set your raffle" page again;

Step 5: Select Set Lottery Type, and there are three modes of drawing and winning;

Step 6: Setting requirements: What do you want participants to do before participating in the lottery?

Step 7: After setting up, you will receive an email containing instructions on how to select participants (such as Twitter Facebook , e-mail). You can also choose "Open my prize", so that your prize will be open in the "Today Lottery" and other plans for Amazon buyers.

Precautions for using Giveaway

• Choose a raffle for your products and brands

Please set the chance of winning prizes, entry requirements and number of prizes according to your activity goals.

• Choose new or interesting products

Buyers want to win goods that they would not normally buy. Please choose the goods that buyers are happy to have, which are interesting and can attract a large number of audiences.

• Value buyers

When you create the Amazon lottery, please consider how buyers interact with the product and how to draw the lottery. Please keep the chance of winning the prize real, the prize interesting and the content exciting.

Difference between Promotion and Coupon

1. Promotion can only be seen by clicking into the product interface, and Coupons It will be more direct and intuitive, and can better attract customers.

2. When buyers browse the page, they can see the discount of products at the first time after searching the keywords.

3. Amazon has created a separate page to display Coupons products, showing all the products that have set Coupons.

4. Coupons have a date limit. If there is no deadline for Promotion, Coupons can only be set within 90 days.

5. Coupons can set target customers separately. For example, unlimited means that all buyers can see it, and only the prime can be seen, the specified ASIN can be seen after browsing, and the purchase can be seen after purchase.

6. Coupons need to deduct 0.6 dollars to Amazon after each use, and Promotion does not need to pay Amazon fees.

Impact of Promotion

Impact of Promotion on Exposure:

Promotion can attract considerable traffic for the product, but Amazon sellers need to pay attention to the product, price and other data participating in the promotion, the best setting method and the best time point. "Full deduction" is the best way to promote. Full deduction and discount functions are very powerful, that is, there are many ways to set money off. Compared with Coupon's method, there are still limitations in product exposure.

Functions: related purchase, matching sales, discount initiation, buy one get one free, free gifts

Promotion pair Conversion rate Impact of:

The purpose of promotion is to encourage customers who enter the store to buy more quantity and amount to increase the total sales amount, which is to improve the product conversion from the side. In fact, Amazon does not promote the promotion code of third-party sellers. Compared with Coupon, the effect is not so good. The order pair formed by Amazon through promotion Listing The weight of does not seem to be much.

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