🏠 Cross border platform AliExpress How can AliExpress sellers effectively solve the problem that AliExpress products are in order but not in stock?

How can AliExpress sellers effectively solve the problem that AliExpress products are in order but not in stock?

 Cross border communication Cross border communication Date: 2019-09-16 22:52 Views: 1340 share

 How can AliExpress sellers effectively solve the problem that AliExpress products are in order but not in stock?

Products with orders but not in stock have a great impact on the store. It will cause problems such as no sale and false delivery, which will greatly affect the weight of stores or products. The reason why it will be closed or not sold is that when there are orders but no goods, if the buyer insists on choosing the refund reason for the seller's reason, whether the seller is willing or not, this order will be included in the closed or not sold order at the end of the refund time. If some sellers are worried about the high closing or not selling rate, and take a lucky attitude to use a large number of false orders to deliver goods, if found, the store will be punished as a result.

How can sellers effectively solve this problem? As follows:

If the inventory is out of stock, find the supplier to purchase

If the inventory is out of stock, the supplier should be asked to purchase the goods. If the supplier has the goods, the seller should immediately place an order, and evaluate the number of days required for delivery in combination with the past purchasing experience, so as to do a good job in dealing with the relevant work. In order to avoid the recurrence of similar situations, the seller can check the inventory once a month, and the order payment in the store should be checked every two weeks.

The supply goods are out of stock. Find the seller who can provide this source of goods to "borrow"

If the supplier is out of stock, the seller should search the whole network for the seller who can provide the same product and buy from them, even if it costs more money. As long as such orders are handled well, we will slowly find the source of goods in the future. Of course, if the product is no longer likely to be resold in the whole network, we need to remove the product from the shelves to avoid similar problems.

The product off the shelf is the most helpless thing, but we can find this source of goods on the whole network by using the official search plug-in tool, as well as the 1688 image search tool, which can quickly help us find suppliers who can provide the same or similar models. We need to combine store evaluation, update frequency, product pictures, product prices, store qualifications, store discounts The wholesaler or manufacturer should be comprehensively evaluated to select the best and most reliable supplier.

No matter how elaborate the operation work of the seller is, it is inevitable that the product is ordered but not delivered. In order to prevent problems before they occur and avoid such problems occurring frequently, we need to do the following:

1) Check the inventory regularly and monitor the purchase and sales data

Specific: focus on monitoring the amount of money channeled and the amount of money channeled daily; Check the potential funds in the store once a week; Irregularly learn about the inventory of new products; And operations and activities Promotion Keep close communication with personnel;

2) Keep a good relationship with suppliers and get some help in case of emergency.

When communicating with the supplier customer service, we should speak in a good tone and communicate equally. Don't think that the other party is the customer service. You can do whatever you want. We should sincerely communicate with each other, respect each other, and make good relations. If the other party needs to help us to confirm at a critical moment or needs to go to the warehouse in person, we can't help asking them.

3) Don't rely too much on one supplier

The seller partner can only purchase a small amount of goods in the early stage due to financial problems, which is understandable. However, in the days of sales and delivery communication, how about the delivery situation, quality and follow-up efficiency of this partner, which will affect the operation and after-sales work of our own store. Therefore, if we find that suppliers are unreliable in a short time, the seller should carefully select them, We don't need to get rid of the partnership for the time being, but at least we have to look again. We don't need to look for a second supplier who is good in quality, price and service. But if it is not, you should always be ready to find a replacement partner for the normal operation and after-sales work of your store.

The above points can be used for reference by sellers. Once a problem breaks out, it is a warning to the seller. When such a problem is handled properly, we need to deeply analyze its causes, find out the reasons, and optimize step by step to avoid the problem from happening again. If we kill them in the cradle in advance, the operation and after-sales work will be easier. After all, time and energy should be spent on how to improve sales. (Source: Yibu E-Commerce School)

key word: AliExpress

Original title: How can AliExpress sellers effectively solve the problem that AliExpress products are in order but not in stock?

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