🏠 Cross border platform AliExpress Tmall sellers involved in quick selling for half a year Transcript: Top 1 top accessories, one belt sells for 147000 dollars a day

Tmall sellers involved in quick selling for half a year Transcript: Top 1 top accessories, one belt sells for 147000 dollars a day

 Cross border communication Cross border communication Date: 2019-09-16 22:45 Views: 1685 share

 Tmall sellers involved in quick selling for half a year Transcript: Top 1 top accessories, one belt sells for 147000 dollars a day

The transformation of domestic e-commerce or offline retail brands into cross-border e-commerce has become an effective way for brand merchants to expand market share and enhance overseas popularity in recent years. Well known brands including Sima, Meizu and Lingzhi have joined in one after another AliExpress , the daily sales of super brands on the platform doubled. Among them, there is such a Tmall brand, which has been stationed in AliExpress for less than a year, and won a turnover of $147000 on the day of the March 28 promotion this year, and topped the list of top accessories.

Tmall's sales volume has ranked first for three consecutive years, and its entry into AliExpress is also popular

"The traffic of domestic e-commerce platforms is tight, and black box operations such as bill swiping are also prohibited by law. For shops with low visibility, the most common way to obtain traffic is through trains, but such costs are too high; At the same time, in order to meet the domestic consumption concept of good quality and low price, it is a conventional way for sellers to fight price war, which also leads to the phenomenon of "bad money drives out good money", which makes many good goods buried in the smoke of price war. " Chen Po, a seller of Wenzhou Express, sighed.

It is understood that Chen Po has been focusing on Tmall's belt business for 7 years, and his store "No. 1 Paul" has been the top seller on Tmall for three consecutive years. However, if we want to further develop the enterprise and build it into a world-renowned brand, it is obviously impossible to be foolproof simply relying on the domestic market, and the export e-commerce has become the best opportunity for Chen Po.

Chen Po told Hugo , because they belong to Alibaba system products, and after long-term evaluation, they chose to join AliExpress. It is reported that his company successfully registered an AliExpress store in October 2018, and the turnover in December of the same year exceeded 50000 dollars; On March 28, 2019, we made a big push to break through 147000 dollars on the same day, and successfully won the Top 1 of quick selling accessories. He said that 3.28 in 2019 promoted the first time to feel the strong explosive force of the cross-border market, and also made a new change in their previous understanding of cross-border.

Cross border e-commerce The volume of the belt is larger than expected, and the foreign market has an unusually strong demand for the belt category. At present, the major mainstream countries of AliExpress, such as Russia, the United States, Spain, France, Japan, South Korea, Poland, etc., have a large demand for belts, and are also the countries with the highest order delivery volume of their stores. Among the numerous markets, Russia is the market with the highest sales volume of AliExpress products, and also the market with the largest proportion of sales volume of "No.1 Paul". " Chen Po introduced.

Through nearly a year's exploration and a lot of research, Chen Bo not only has new insights into the current main markets, but also makes a comparison between domestic e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce models, taking the Russian and French markets as examples:

1. In terms of price, Russians like outdoor activities very much, and almost everyone will be equipped with a belt. However, the local industry is relatively backward and the labor cost is high, which leads to the same production of a belt. The cost of Russia is much higher than that of China, and the price is also very expensive. The average price of buying a belt in the local market is about 200 yuan.

2. Style, The Russian people are tall and big, and they are more popular for casual style belts similar to those worn by cowboys in the western United States. On the contrary, Chinese consumers have more demand for automatic belt buckles and business belts.

3. Target audience, The difference between France and China and other countries is that French belt consumers are mainly women, and some Fashion+ The acceptance of non mainstream styles is higher, while the majority of consumers in other countries are men.

4. Drainage mode, Different platforms of domestic e-commerce have special drainage channels, such as Taobao customers on Taobao and Tmall's through car, and sellers can spend money to buy commodity booths for indirect drainage. In addition to the promotion of non-stop trains in the station, there are also non-stop trains outside the station Facebook Instagram And other social networking sites, online celebrity promotion, shopping website promotion, live channel promotion and other channels.

5、 SKU Administration, The big difference between the AliExpress model and Tmall's model is that only one link is needed for all stores on Tmall, while AliExpress connects with consumer groups in different countries around the world, and needs to upload multiple product links for favorite products of different groups to form multiple links and styles. This is also an important reason why "Paul One" can make foreign consumers accept products in a short time.

Although there are great differences between domestic and foreign markets and consumer groups, Chen Po, who is a Tmall seller, still has certain advantages in making AliExpress. "Both AliExpress and Tmall belong to Alibaba Platform under the system. The activity rules of AliExpress, the driving method of the through train, and data analysis are very similar to Tmall. To some extent, seven years of Tmall seller experience has helped us avoid some "detours". ".

By relying on export e-commerce to "test" the overseas market, Tmall sellers have more advantages to do quick selling

Although the red sea competition of domestic e-commerce has become extremely fierce, there are still sellers who are hesitant to set foot in cross-border e-commerce. Zhong Tingqing, a domestic men's wear seller, once pointed out that "unlike a single consumer group and a limited market share for domestic sales, cross-border e-commerce faces great opportunities, but the quality required for settling in sellers is also very high. In the past few years, it was found that domestic e-commerce sellers are difficult to transform into cross-border e-commerce. On the one hand, it is difficult to transform the platform, on the other hand, the product launch, promotion, operation and other intermediate links are trivial, and blind transformation may not pay off. "

In this regard, Hugo We also interviewed some Tmall sellers around us, and some people worried that the differences between Chinese and Western cultures lead to different aesthetic values, even those of Tmall stores Hot money There may be no one interested in AliExpress. In addition, due to the difference in body shape between China and the West, the size of the model may not fit, and the return rate is high. Others worry about language differences, which will increase the cost of talent recruitment. In addition, the exchange rate of each country is different, and the problem of capital turnover is also a concern.

However, not all domestic e-commerce sellers choose to stop. Shen Ming, executive assistant to the president of Lingzhi Group, said in an interview with Hugo. com that many domestic brands, whether online or offline, want to enter into overseas emerging markets. If they want to enter with the display of traditional offline stores, just register companies, obtain business licenses, select store sites, decorate and ship... The preparation time will take 1-2 years, And we must have strong capital flow. While Lingzhi's choice of AliExpress to enter the new market is based on the cross-border e-commerce model and AliExpress's platform advantages, so that it does not cost too much. Sellers can try to respond to the market through existing goods, see what price and products the market accepts, and then feed back the next marketing strategy. "Lingzhi will adopt different models according to different countries and regions, including which brand will enter first, product pricing, style selection, team selection, etc., especially the team, prefer to use local teams. With local teams, it will be easier to understand the local market and feedback information to the development sector, so that the product developers will be more specific to the products in the local market." Shen Ming said, "More importantly, compared with other export e-commerce platforms, AliExpress can timely analyze the platform and overseas sales data for sellers' reference, which is of great significance for sellers of non-standard categories."

Chen Po also said that Tmall sellers themselves already have some technical conditions and the supply chain is relatively comprehensive. In terms of language, the background of AliExpress platform also provides a lot of human translation, and the infrastructure is relatively complete. If Tmall sellers want to do cross-border business, in terms of goods, they need to conduct market research in different countries on the original basis and adjust themselves. This makes it difficult for them to expand overseas markets.

"In fact, the problems that many domestic sellers worry about are not a problem at present. Now, there are not few people like me who have the dual identity of domestic sellers and cross-border e-commerce sellers. Moreover, more and more Tmall sellers are involved in cross-border e-commerce, and these hard working sellers have received corresponding considerable returns," he said.

(By Wu Guizhen on Hugo. com)

key word: online retailers AliExpress Tmall AliExpress operation

Original title: Tmall sellers involved in quick selling for half a year Transcript: Top 1 top accessories, one belt sells for 147000 dollars a day

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