🏠 Cross border platform AliExpress What is the weight of AliExpress? How does AliExpress improve its advantageous ranking?

What is the weight of AliExpress? How does AliExpress improve its advantageous ranking?

 Cross border communication Cross border communication Date: 2019-09-16 22:42 Views: 1331 share

 What is the weight of AliExpress? How does AliExpress improve its advantageous ranking?

AliExpress When sellers communicate with each other, they often talk about product weight. So, what is the weight? What factors affect it, what is its relationship with product ranking, and how to improve the favorable ranking? This article is written by Zobu E-Commerce School to help sellers:

Weight can be simply understood as the comprehensive score of a product. For example, if you are not good at Chinese and mathematics in an exam, you must make achievements in the comprehensive score. If you are seriously partial to other subjects or have low scores in other subjects, resulting in low comprehensive scores, it will affect the college entrance examination results. The comprehensive score of a product measures the strength of the platform's support for this product, which is specifically reflected in the flow support, activity support, policy support, and waiter support.

So what factors will affect the product weight?

Mobile E-commerce School believes that store factors and product factors jointly affect the weight of products.

Store factors, including but not limited to service score, violation or not (serious violation or not), three scores of store DSR, sales volume, number of concerns and other data. Product factors, including but not limited to title matching, attribute integrity, number of visitors and views, stay time Conversion rate , the number of additional purchases and collections, the number of favorable comments and content feedback, etc. The former is equivalent to the original aura of the product since it was put on the shelf, and the latter is the performance of the data obtained by the product in the competition with many similar products.

The store has good data in all aspects, and the products in the store can get extra points in the weight scoring, otherwise they will be affected. For example, a store just because

If the store is closed for seven days in violation of regulations, the product is taken off the shelf, the store after the punishment is over, the product in the store or the product about to be launched will be affected, such as the decline in traffic, the delay in exposure of the new product after it is launched, and the transformation in the store becomes unstable or declining, which are all bad performances. Therefore, under the condition of abiding by the platform rules, we should reasonably use the operation strategy to serve the product transformation, which is the knowledge we should always learn.

How to improve the product weight?

Mobile E-commerce School believes that sellers need to do a good job in keyword search, category search and search sorting rules.

In terms of keyword search, in order to cater to more search traffic, sellers must do a good job in the correctness and completeness of the title and attribute filling, and whether the product category is misplaced. Especially for the title, the seller should pay attention to the words with low competitiveness that can be used in the early stage of the new product. Do not put other small words in the English title. Pay attention to whether the keywords are applicable to the product, and do not imagine them out of thin air based on the characteristics of the product;

In terms of category search, in addition to attributes and preparation for category filling, it can be used for reference in combination with the attribute content filled in by the industry's popular products. The higher the integrity, the more exposure opportunities can be obtained by category search;

In terms of search sorting rules, relevance, product conversion performance (product sales, conversion rate, traffic, single volume), seller service performance (seller service score, service sub single factor), product information quality, group differentiation, etc. should also be tracked and studied more frequently to see how to improve.

The weight is invisible and intangible, but it really has a lot to do with the product ranking relation Read this article carefully, I believe you will have a deeper understanding of it. (Source: Yibu E-Commerce School)

key word: AliExpress AliExpress operation Store operation

Original title: What is the weight of AliExpress? How does AliExpress improve its advantageous ranking?

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