🏠 Cross border platform AliExpress How does AliExpress create a blockbuster? The core idea of quick selling to create popular products

How does AliExpress create a blockbuster? The core idea of quick selling to create popular products

 Cross border communication Cross border communication Date: 2019-09-16 22:29 Views: 1370 share

 How does AliExpress create a blockbuster? The core idea of quick selling to create popular products

The best seller can increase the overall sales of your store while bringing traffic to the seller, so as to achieve profitability. The creation of the best seller needs to integrate all resources. How to successfully create a best seller?

The following content is divided into four aspects, the first is keyword selection, the second is the marketing concept of popular products; Third: Manufacturing+ The method of exploding funds; The fourth kind: summary of the key points of the best money.

1: Keyword selection

The early data mainly reflects the market analysis of keywords, which mainly analyzes the characteristics of peer products and price and sales analysis.

First: category selection, in AliExpress On the homepage, select products with greater potential through category search results analysis.

Second, trend selection. In the background of AliExpress, sellers can view industry information, understand the flow analysis and transaction transformation analysis of various industries through industry information, and analyze relevant potential industries and specific product categories.

Third: Select products through data vertically and horizontally. Seller friends can summarize the information of hot selling products in the platform, such as title, favorable comments, comments, orders and so on, into Excel tables through the above data for system analysis. Focus on the analysis of potential index (order number/evaluation number). The higher the potential index, the better the product quality.

Before doing analysis, sellers should dig out the industry words in the short term for search analysis, but note that this is not a suggestion for sellers to follow and copy the title of hot money, but a suggestion for sellers to find words by avoiding the traffic of hot products.

Fourth, through third-party software tools, we can find potential explosive funds on the platform. In the process of selecting products for the platform, the seller should aim at the products with few evaluations but a large number of orders, because this is a hot product that has recently been launched but has potential for development. Therefore, sellers can boldly choose to follow up. For those products with high reviews and orders, sellers should be careful to follow them, because such products have been on the market for a long time, lack of future stamina, and even are outdated. How to find such products with high evaluation but few evaluation. It is suggested that sellers choose to use the data assistant analysis tool, enter the keywords they want to analyze in the keyword search column, and mine the relevant data of the product through search.

This analysis tool can help sellers find the most potentially valuable blockbusters on the platform in the shortest time. Then use the same keywords to search the number of products on the AliExpress buyer side, and you will find that the results mined by the data assistant are the same as those presented by the same keywords on the AliExpress buyer side. Then download the analysis form, further analyze and process the form, and add the potential index column (number of orders/number of evaluations) to find the products with a large number of orders but a small number of evaluations on the platform through this method. If the potential index is larger, the product market prospect is larger.

2: Best selling marketing concept.

1. Hot core building

deal Conversion rate This is absolutely the most important factor affecting the ranking of each platform. The turnover conversion rate of a product is a measure of the popularity of the product on the platform. Of course, there are other factors that will affect it.

For example, main diagram, title, price, attribute, detailed description, etc.

2. Marketing concept of blockbusters

Before the life cycle of sharing hot money. As a matter of fact, the boom only experienced the boom selection, integrated marketing, platform activities, boom production and the ultimate goal of drainage and profitability.

3: How to create popular models

1。 Best seller selection; Choice has always been a big topic Electronic Commerce An important part of a link. However, the selection must be based on data. The selection of data is the most scientific and not very reliable.

The products selected from the general direction are mainly station selection and off-site selection.

The background only has background data. It is necessary to dig deeply from this part. Details will be shared later. This is just a brief mention. Cross platform selection and more attention to some technical news. Specifically, it is mentioned in the following book.

2. Integrated marketing

No matter which platform must promote in the station first, take down the traffic flow of the station first, and then consider doing it outside the station. At present, AliExpress The new products have been specifically promoted on site.

Time limit discount settings. In general, station store activities are usually limited to limited time discounts. In addition, you need to pay attention to the fact that the time setting for new products should not be too long. You can set it to 2~3 days at the beginning, because you need to adjust it frequently and optimize it once. If the setting is too long, the edit cannot be modified.

New promotions for through trains. The new product really suggests that you must create a new through car promotion and fast promotion. It is worth noting that you should add more words. After all, the effective words of the through train can only show excellent words, and there are not high big words. All big words are adjusted to less than 1 yuan.

Stores the home page and related settings. If you want to focus on promoting all the energy of a new product, you need to adopt the "centralized bombing method" to provide all the traffic for new items as much as possible, such as home banners and customized alliance marketing.

Use window recommendation. You must now use the recommended window for this window. When the window pushes new products, when your ranking reaches the top 10 on the first page, if you feel that there is no improvement, you can use the window suggestion to force increase the product ranking. In case of major events or festivals, windows can be set up for explosion-proof products 3-5 days in advance, which is conducive to the promotion of product grade.

In the case of off-site promotions, there are actually more. The most common is Youtube Facebook Promotion, etc. Although there are many external radio stations, people's energy is limited.

In fact, you only need to play one. For example, you only engage in YouTube Video promotion, or only research Facebook extension.

3. Platform activities

The most common daily activity of platform activities is the Today Deal, although it has been constantly revised, optimized and upgraded, such as the new Flash Deal.

I remember that the approval rate was good when I signed up before. For example, I often sign up for activities on the platform with the mouse. When I go up, I don't mention orders first. At least, it will bring a lot of natural flow to your store. Of course, the most important thing is to bring orders. If the mouse is active normally, there should be 30~40 orders, not many.

With the continuous upgrading of platform activities, the concept of activity fatigue has emerged Listing It's embarrassing that you can only visit twice a month. As a result, there are very few listing activities. Of course, if you are a good seller, there are special activities for gold and silver brand sellers in the background. This is a big benefit, and the traffic tilt is good.

Some people say how to report to the platform?

The first important point is that your listing must be issued in the last 30 days, at least 5 orders must be issued. If you haven't issued an order, you can't pass without trying;

Second, if the listing has comments, the first one Feedback Must be well received, otherwise the probability of passing is very high;

Third, the conversion rate is good, that is to say, you have passed before, but there are no two orders. If you report again, the chances are slim.

4: Summary of key points of hot money

The core of creating blockbusters is conversion rate, which is driven by integrated marketing. In particular, the conversion rate of off-site promotion is higher, which is more conducive to creating blockbusters and improving their ranking.

Pay attention to price when buying in the station, and pay attention to quality when importing outside the station.

In addition, it aims to create links to popular products and connect them to social networks outside the site in a timely manner, such as contacting writers to promote YouTube videos outside the site. Generally, writers will put listing directly below the videos, which is more conducive to consumers' direct purchase.

When promoting new products, we should pay close attention to the rising speed of new product ranking in real time every day, and improve the conversion rate through timely optimization of data, so as to achieve the benign creation of popular products. (Source: AliExpress Information)

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