Oracle Cloud Free Server Alive Anti Recycle Method (Oracle Cloud)

At the end of January, Oracle Cloud announced that idle computing instances will be recycled for Always Free services. It is unknown whether new instances can be reopened after being recycled.

present situation

At present, Oracle Cloud has announced the following recycling rules:

Idle Always Free computing instances may be recycled by Oracle. If the following conditions are met within 7 days, Oracle will regard the virtual machine and bare metal computing instance as idle:
– CPU utilization is less than 10% 95% of the time
– Network utilization below 10%
– Memory utilization is less than 10% (only applicable to A1 shape) (ARM instance)

Note that the official does not specify whether the option is "and" or ".

Official address: Always Free Resources 』。


According to the current official rules, in theory, only running the machine resources can avoid recycling. You can use lookbusy to generate false loads and then use Speedtest to brush the traffic.

Select 1: Docker image

Mushroom Jun, a member of the novice biosphere, has built a container image of camouflage+brush traffic Docker, which can be used directly without affecting the host environment; The script source code is shown in: Fog-Forest/oracle-lookbusy

Docker image is built based on Debian 11 container and compatible with X86&ARM. The image supports custom CPU, memory, and network usage.

 docker run -itd --name=lookbusy --restart=always \ -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \ -E CPU_UTIL=10-20  # CPU usage, unit:%, cannot be omitted, and supports fixed values or ranges -E MEM_UTIL=15  # Memory occupation, unit:%, can be omitted if memory is not running -E SPEEDTEST_INTERVAL=120  # Network speed measurement interval, in minutes, can be omitted without running the network fogforest/lookbusy

Option 2: Execute script directly

If the Docker environment is not installed, you can use the following script:

 wget  && chmod +x && bash

Original Author Statement

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Zimiao haunting blog (azimiao. com) All rights reserved. Please note the link when reprinting:
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