VeraCrypt Encrypted Volume Expansion

VeraCrypt is a free and open source volume encryption tool. It supports a variety of encryption algorithms and file keys, can encrypt physical volumes/logical volumes, and supports mounting hidden volumes.


I started using VeraCrypt to manage key files and other important information three years ago. According to the demand at that time, I created a 10 MiB virtual encryption volume. As time goes by, more and more data needs to be saved. The 10 MiB encrypted volume is not enough, and the size of the encrypted volume needs to be expanded.

Extension tools and precautions

The new VeraCrypt comes with a volume expansion tool. The access path is: Tools->Volume Expander

Before capacity expansion, there are some things to note:

  • If there is another layer of hidden volume in the encrypted volume, the hidden volume will be erased.

  • Only the NTFS file system supports dynamic expansion. FAT only expands the volume size, and the size within the file system remains unchanged.

Start capacity expansion

After entering the Volume Expander, select the corresponding volume file, and click the Mount button to mount the volume:

Enter the volume size setting interface automatically, enter the size to be expanded and click Continue:

Enter the random number filling interface, and quickly move the mouse in the interface until the progress bar (random number pool) is completed:

After the random number pool is built, click Continue to automatically fill in the random number and update the header information:

After the information is updated, the expansion is completed:

common problem

  1. How to expand the original virtual volume file system if it is not NTFS?
    Create a new NTFS virtual volume and mount it. Copy the files of the previous volume to the new volume.
  2. What if there are hidden volumes?
    Create a new NTFS virtual volume containing hidden volumes on a trusted computer and mount it, decrypt the original hidden volume and copy it to the new hidden volume.

key word

VeraCrypt Volume Expander Volume resize VeraCrypt Volume change size

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