Annual data report of Zimiao's presence in 2019-2020


Every year, every year, happy New Year.
The following is the annual report of Zimiao haunting blog for 2019-2020.

Annual report of Zimiao


In February 2019, due to force majeure, Zimiao appeared in the blog be forced Escape from Alibaba Cloud.
Since its launch in April 2015, Zimiao has been online for 1786 days, equivalent to 4 years and 9 months.


From 2019 to 2020, this blog published 41 blog articles in total, and the number of articles ranked as follows:

ranking classification Number of articles
one Zimiao Technology twenty-five
two Zimiao · Impression twelve
three Zimiao Essay four


From February 2019 to February 2020, the statistics of third-party statistical websites are as follows:

 Baidu Statistics

Among them, most of the visits were concentrated in September 2019 and later.


  1. Article classification optimization.
    Since 2015, this blog has made two major classification changes. With the increase of the number and quality of articles, some article classifications no longer meet the requirements.
  2. Article quality optimization.
    In 2016, this blog decided to article As the core content of this blog, other components exist as required by the article. In order to ensure the good development of blog, we will continue to improve the quality of articles in the future.

Associated Articles


More patience and love .

Zimiao haunting blog (azimiao. com) All rights reserved. Please note the link when reprinting:
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  1. c0sMx 01-27 12:26 reply

    I just don't know why I can't subscribe to your RSS with Inoreader. QAQ

  2. Doraemon! 01-31 01:26 reply

    Aha, I was moving my blog on New Year's Day

  3. Mengna 02-03 11:26 reply

    It's much better than me. I only wrote a few articles in a few years.