The problem that WP cannot be used after upgrading WordPress5.3

After upgrading WordPress5.3 The plug-in background editing function fails. The F12 view console has the following output: $ is not a function


WordPress5.3 The background page releases the $ , use instead jQuery To call JQuery.
and Due to the use of $ The JS code after the error is reported stops executing, so the background editing function of the plug-in is invalid.


Choose one of the following methods.

1. Redefine$

In the header of html <head> Redefine at $

 let $ = jQuery;

Untitled Spot_Untitled Station A finished plug-in has been written, which can bind this code to the corresponding function hook of WordPress. Please refer to the following link for details:


2. Modify the $call in the plug-in

edit In plug-in src/Utils/Settings.php Line 91:

 jQuery( function() { $("#editor_mermaid\\\\[mermaid_config\\\\]")

Replace with

 jQuery( function() { jQuery("#editor_mermaid\\\\[mermaid_config\\\\]")

The solution comes from Github user sharpbai Reply on Github.


  1. [Github] sharpbai comment in
  2. [Unnamed station] Passerby A jQuery-WP53-Fix
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  1. hare 02-14 17:04 reply

    WP-EDITOR The author has updated the plug-in version. Please try downloading the latest version in the plug-in store.