This article talks about using Typora + Mkdocs + Github Private Warehouse Instead of annoying Youdaoyun notes.

Why not use Youdaoyun Notes

Have you ever tried to sign in for the storage space of Youdaoyun's notes? In Youdao Cloud Notes, free users have 3GB initial storage space, and can get additional space rewards by signing in every day.
 Youdao Cloud Notebook Cloud Disk

However, the definition of this storage space is very vague, which does not mean that you can use it freely. For example, edit MarkDown When inserting a file, the following prompt will appear:

 Youdao Cloud note payment function

At the same time, the MarkDown editor function of Youdao Cloud's notes is not perfect. When editing long text, people will not say anything. It is really annoying that the synchronous preview does not refresh, and the rendering format is wrong.

As a poor person, I don't want to recharge the Youdaoyun Notes that are missing functions. If you don't recharge, you can't use MrakDown's image insertion function, so you can only say bye bye. Impression notes are no better, because commercial software has a common disadvantage: data cannot be exported as a general format, and can only be used in my product.

Software preparation

Typora+Mkdocs can form a complete MarkdDown preview and editing tool, while Github has opened a free private warehouse, which can be used for multi terminal synchronization.

Installing MkDocs

I recommend installing chocolatey , chocolate is a package manager on Windows, similar to the apt of ubuntu and yum of centos. chocolatey The installation of is very simple. The administrator runs cmd. One line of code:

 @"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(' '))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;% ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"

Then, use chocolate to install MkDocs:

 choco install mkdocs

Installing Typora

Typora is a beautiful MarkDown document editor, which is much better than VSCode in use.
visit Download the installation package, and then install it.

Getting Started

1. Initialize an MkDocs document set

Enter the directory where you want to archive the document and execute the following command:

 mkdocs new MyNotebook

This command will generate a file called MyNotebook Folder, which contains the mkdocs.yml file and the docs folder.

MkDocs can convert documents into html. mkdocs.yml is the configuration file required for the compilation of mkdocs, including directory structure, topic name and other configuration fields. Personal notes don't need to be compiled into a static blog, you can ignore it.

2. Typora Open Folder

Open Typora, select from the menu file -> open a folder , and then select the folder just created.

If no folder hierarchy tree appears in the left column, you can select view -> File Tree View , the interface is as follows:


At the directory structure in the left column, you can directly Administration File or folder, or open an existing file.

3. Edit text and insert pictures

Create a new folder in the left column of Typora to store pictures, named images

  • The required picture is in file mode. Drag it directly into the folder and import it to the document using a relative path:
 ! [image](./images/test.jpg)
  • Use the screenshot tool to capture pictures and paste them directly in preview mode. After pasting, Typora prompts Copy pictures to , click images Folder, Typora will automatically copy the file and insert the path.

4. Upload GitHub private warehouse

Upload the local directory to the private warehouse through sourcetree or other git software.

Advantages and disadvantages compared with Youdao Notes

– Data is controllable, transferable, and can be handled by users as they like. It is essentially an md file.
– Can be built into a static blog.
– The data has a long service life and will not cause a pile of private format files to fail to open because the software is hung up.
– All free! You can insert an image into the MarkDown file without using a member.
– Modifications need to be submitted to Github manually.
– To synchronize to other places, you need to clone the warehouse first, and log in the commercial software with one account.

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Comment area

  1. I have used many MD editors, and the best one is vscode, because there is a lint auto format plug-in :mrgreen:

  2. andysz 09-04 09:48 reply

    Typora+GitHub is a good solution, and I have used it for a while. However, it is still quite troublesome to manually push/pull every time. The most important thing is that it is not easy to browse on the mobile end, so we finally switch back to Youdao Cloud Notes. The disadvantage of Youdao Cloud is that its support for Markdown is not good enough. It would be perfect if an editor like Typroa could be integrated. The map bed is not a big problem. It can be used by a third party. In addition, I think there are few pictures used for personal notes.