Simple test and analysis of using C # to call Netease Cloud Music API

Some of the materials referenced in this article are listed at the end. As of August 3, 2017, most interfaces had failed and the new version of interfaces had been encrypted. For the new version, please refer to: Netease Cloud Music New WebAPI Analysis


  1. Netease Cloud Music API
  2. Call with c #
  3. Simple test finished product

API related to Netease Cloud Music

The NetEase Cloud API here was obtained for Moon and other gods, and I also captured the package for verification. The link to Moon's article is listed in the article and at the end.

1. Song information:

Get method: Song id&ids=[Song id]&csrf_token=

When the ID is correct, the return format is:

 {"songs":[{ "starred":false, "popularity":5.0, "starredNum":0, "playedNum":0, "dayPlays":0, "hearTime":0, "mp3Url":" ", "rtUrls":[], "artists":[{"img1v1Id":18686200114669622,"topicPerson":0,"picUrl":" ","picId":0,"albumSize":0,"img1v1Url":" "," briefDesc ":" "," trans ":" "," alias ": []," musicSize ": 0," name ":" Shigero Sakamoto "," id ": 14593," img1v1Id_str ":" 18686200114669622 "}], "hMusic":{"bitrate":192000,"playTime":178938,"dfsId":5649290743614437,"volumeDelta":0.289741,"sr":44100,"name":"Black One","id":35417247,"size":3825822,"extension":"mp3"},"mMusic":{"bitrate":160000,"playTime":178938,"dfsId":5649290743614435,"volumeDelta":0.688485,"sr":44100,"name":"Black One","id":35417245,"size":3627638,"extension":"mp3"},"lMusic" :{"bitrate":96000,"playTime":178938,"dfsId":5649290743614436,"volumeDelta":0.864432,"sr":44100,"name":"Black One","id":35417246,"size":2195710,"extension":"mp3"},"album":{"songs":[],"paid":false,"onSale":false,"picUrl":" ","artists":[{"img1v1Id":18686200114669622,"topicPerson":0,"picUrl":" ","picId":0,"albumSize":0,"img1v1Url":" "," briefDesc ":" "," trans ":" "," alias ": []," musicSize ": 0," name ":" Shigero Sakamoto "," id ": 14593," img1v1Id_str ":" 18686200114669622 "}]," picId ": 931286348726508," artist ": {" img1v1Id ": 18686200114669622," topicPerson ": 0," picUrl ":" ","picId":0,"albumSize":0,"img1v1Url":" ","briefDesc":"","trans":"","alias":[],"musicSize":0,"name":"","id":0,"img1v1Id_str":"18686200114669622"},"publishTime":1261670400000,"commentThreadId":"R_AL_3_44451","briefDesc":"","copyrightId":0,"company":"5pb.  Records "," status ": 1," tags ":" "," description ":" "," subType ": null," alias ": [" The original soundtrack of the girl's TV animation of crime and punishment and redemption "]," blurPicUrl ":" "," companyId ": 0," pic ": 931286348726508," name ":" TV Animation 11eyes (O.S. T) "," id ": 44451," type ":" album "," size ": 55}," mvid ": 0," fee ": 0," ftype ": 0," rtype ": 0," rurl ": null," commentThreadId ":" R_SO_4_458964 "," copyrightId ": 0," score ": 5," copy "pyFrom": "", "status": 0, "disc": "", "no": 45, "audit": null, "ringtone": "", "position": 45, "duration": 178938, "alias": [], " crbt":null,"bMusic":{"bitrate":96000,"playTime":178938,"dfsId":5649290743614436,"volumeDelta":0.864432,"sr":44100,"name":"Black One","id":35417246,"size":2195710,"extension":"mp3"},"rtUrl":null,"name":"Black One","id":458964 }], "equalizers":{}, "code":200 }

Song search (requires specific header information):

Post method

Required parameters:

  • s: Content searched
  • Offset: offset (for paging)
  • Limit: the quantity obtained
  • Type: Type of search
    • Song 1
    • Album 10
    • Singer 100
    • Singing list 1000
    • User 1002
    • mv 1004
    • Lyrics 1006
    • Anchor station 1009

The return format (must use the correct header information to access, otherwise 403) is too long, omitted.

Song download:

Get method: Bit rate&id=song id Return format when the ID is correct:

 {"data":{ "id":28445467, "url":" ", "br":320000, "size":6732382, "md5":"64c15c1430e55bf2c8093f0b47dc39f4", "code":200, "expi":1200, "type":"mp3", "gain":-1.34, "fee":0, "uf":null, "payed":0, "flag":0, "canExtend":false}, "code":200}

Header information

Required parameters: cookie appver key value and http referer

Album, song list, etc

For details, please refer to this article of Moonlib: Analysis on Common APIs of Netease Cloud Music

Call with c #

C # An idiot, throw a brick to attract jade.

Get song information

 public static string getMusic(string id) { string url = " "+id+"&ids=["+id+"]&csrf_token="; HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest. Create(url); req.Method = "get"; HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)req. GetResponse(); Stream res = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader1 = new StreamReader(res); string a1 = reader1.ReadToEnd(); return a1; //string[] a2 = a1.Split(new string[]{"\"mp3Url\":\"","\",\"rtUrls"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //this.mp3url = a2[1]; }

Get download address

 public static string getApiUrl(int kbps, string id) { return " " + kbps + "&id=" + id; } public static string getDownUrl(int kbps,string id) { if (id !=  "") { string apiurl = getApiUrl(kbps, id); HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest. Create(apiurl); req.Method = "get"; HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)req. GetResponse(); Stream res = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader1 = new StreamReader(res); string a1 = reader1.ReadToEnd(); return a1; } else { return("null"); } }


 public string Param(string sname) { string postls; string ss = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(sname,Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8")); StringBuilder bulider = new StringBuilder(); bulider.AppendFormat("s={0}&offset={1}&limit={2}&type={3}", ss, 0, 20, 1); postls = bulider.ToString(); return postls; } public static string searchMusic(string sname) { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest. Create(searchurl); request.Method = "POST"; request.Referer = " "; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; string postinfo = Param(sname); request.ContentLength = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(postinfo); CookieContainer cookies = new CookieContainer(); Cookie cook = new Cookie(); Cookie cook1 = new Cookie(); cook.Value = "1.5.2"; cook.Name = "appver"; cook.Domain = ""; cook1.Value = " "; cook1.Name = "Referer"; cook1.Domain = ""; cookies.Add(cook); cookies.Add(cook1); request.CookieContainer = cookies; Stream myRequestStream = request.GetRequestStream(); byte[] postm = Encoding. ASCII.GetBytes(postinfo); using(Stream reqStream =request. GetRequestStream()){ reqStream.Write(postm,0,postm.Length); } HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)request. GetResponse(); Stream strem = resp.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader a1 = new StreamReader(strem); string a2 = a1.ReadToEnd(); return a2; }

Simple test finished product

I made a small program using the song download API, which can input the ID to obtain the download link (through the interception of the string and legitimacy judgment to obtain the MP3 direct link) and download it.


1. [Content] [moonlib [dot] com] Analysis of Common APIs for Cloud Music of Moon Netease

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