Applet/app/H5 multi circle community forum system, making friends/blog/social networking/stranger social networking, instant chat, private domain topics, community forum circle, information flow applet source code, square/micro campus/micro district/micro city/

Function Introduction

1. Development based on TP6+Uni app framework; The customer mobile terminal is developed by uni app and managed by TH6 in the background.

The system supports the synchronization of WeChat public account, WeChat applet, H5 and PC multi terminal accounts, and can quickly package and generate APP

2. APP uses SMS authentication login, and applet uses WeChat authorization login.

3. Circle supports background establishment and foreground user creation

4. Users can select circles and topics to post,

5. Posts can be added, reviewed, recommended and popular in the background

6. Upload and integrate AliCloud OSS and Qiniu Cloud, and can also be stored locally

7. Automatic security detection of published content adopts the seven cow content detection interface.

8. Support multi image upload and drag sorting

9. Support member level

10. Posts are recommended and topped by administrators in the support circle

11. Support medal and user level

(Background function)

▄ - Management homepage

|☆ - Introduction to version information, data statistics, common modules, Echart data overview

▄ - Menu management

|☆ - Background permission menu management Edit visitor permission, handle menu parent-child relationship, and be relied on by permission system (extremely important)

▄ - System management

|☆ - User management – add new users, seal and delete numbers, and assign permission groups to accounts

|☆ - Permission management - permission group management, add permissions to permission groups, and propose users to permission groups

|L - Upload management - record all uploaded image file information, locate file location size and upload time

☆ - Configuration management

|☆ - Basic settings - Configure the basic information of the website: modify the basic configuration information of the front-end, such as the title, domain name, customer service phone, front-end theme color matching, front-end font color, etc

|☆ - Upload configuration - File storage mode selection: local storage, AliCloud OSS, and Qiniu Cloud configuration

|L - Operation log - records administrator's operations for accountability, backtracking and filing

▄ - Site setting

|☆ - Advertising management - deletion, modification and query

|☆ - Home page management -

|L - Single page management –

▄ - Circle management

|▄ - Circle list –

|L - Topic management –

☆ Member management

|▄ - Member list –

|L - Medal management –

Statement: All resources of this website are collected from the Internet for reference only. If the content of this website infringes the legitimate rights and interests of the original author, you can contact us to deal with it.