The cloud version of Suifeng PHP Q&A collection uses THINKPHP framework and PHP language development. It supports LINUX and WINDOWS environments and can run normally without using a database. The server, virtual host, and VPS can all run. If pseudo static is required, space or server support is required. In addition, at present, some users report that there may be some abnormalities in foreign space, while others haven't found any problems for the time being. The cloud collection rules are used to update automatically.

Installation instructions for cloud version of Suifeng PHP Q&A collection:
1. Package all files of this program and upload them to the space.
2. Run install.php to fill in carefully according to relevant prompts.
3. Installation succeeded.
At this time, the data on the home page will be automatically collected.

Follow the wind PHP Q&A collection cloud update log:
V22.4 update
1. Urgently fix the vulnerability of secret key payment system

2. Add article editing function

3. Repair relevant detail errors

V21.9 update

1. Fix the problem that the search page description and keywords are not displayed.

2. Fix the display error of the whole site URL link.

3. Optimize the collection mode, and fix problems such as incomplete collection articles in the past.

V20.7 update

1. Emergency replacement of a security patch

V20.1 update

1. Change the demo address on the official website

2. Change the URL encryption method

3. Adjust and optimize the page details

V19.8 update

1. Add a secondary directory for installation.

V19 update

1. Repair the search function.
2. Add ID URL link mode.

V18 update

1. Add comment management function

2. Fix the list page and inner page tdk call problem

3. Fix the data problem displayed on the column page

4. Add batch approval and deletion functions

V13.5 update
1. Repair custom URL rules

2. Fix page turning pseudo static rule error

V12.9 update
1. Fixed the content page title display error

2. Modify the home page calling mode

V12 update
1. Add customizable pseudo static URL rules.
2. Overall slimming and simplification, and deletion of redundant functions.
3. Some details are adjusted to correct the collection rules.

V10.8 update
1. Optimize the installation of BUG
2. Solve the problem of non immediate payment jump
3. Increase database indexing speed

Statement: All resources of this website are collected from the Internet for reference only. If the content of this website infringes the legitimate rights and interests of the original author, you can contact us to deal with it.