Mozhong map bed system can quickly help build a private map bed system and support Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud and other cloud storage platforms

Operating environment:

operating system

Linux/Unix or Windows

software environment

Operating environment of Laravel 5.1

Apache/Nginx , PHP 5.5.9+ / PHP 7.0 , MySQL 5.0+

The magic people's map bed system allows you to quickly own your own private map bed system.

On September 17, 2022, the evil people's chart bed system will release v1.7.0, adding the following 17 features:

·[New function] Rich text filtering image Add data formula image attribute

·[New function] Button component is added to support quick form submission

·[New function] Manually add member trigger events in the background

·[New function] Public security record information background can be configured

·[New function] The rich text component adds the htmlFilter attribute to customize the configuration filtering

·[New Function] Queue task processing timeout is adjusted to 3600 seconds

·[New Function] FileUtil New File Size Compact Format

·[System optimization] The configuration function automatically infers according to the default value type

·[System optimization] User center function setting interface reconstruction

·[System optimization] SameSite in cookies is adjusted to Lax by default

·[System optimization] Reconstruction of background user management creation and editing interface is completed

·[System optimization] Model tool multi table join function optimization

·[System optimization] Website title connector optimization

·[System optimization] Recycle related operation classes (can be replaced by the Recycle module)

·[System optimization] Field component: a rendering exception logging problem

·[Bug Repair] Failed to modify background user status

·[Bug Repair] Abnormal installation path detection caused by upgrading the Larravel version

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