PhpSysInfo is based on Apache and PHP. It simply monitors the server status, including the system used by the server, the core version, the details of the server hardware information, as well as the usage of network devices, memory usage, disk information, etc. At the top of the page, you can select the style and language of the page.

Environmental requirements
PHP 5.1.3 or later with SimpleXML, PCRE, XML, and DOM extensions.

install and configure
Typical installation
Just unzip and unzip the source code (if you are reading this, you should have finished by now...), and enter the document root directory of your network server.
There is a configuration file named If this is a fresh installation, you should copy this file to php sysinfo. ini and edit it.
Make sure your php.ini file include_path entry contains "."
Make sure that your php.ini has safe_mode set to Off.
PhpSysInfo requires the php xml extension.
Remember that because phpSysInfo requires access to many files/proc and other system binaries, you must disable php 's safe_mode. For information on how to do this, refer to the PHP documentation.
Then restart your web server (if you changed php. ini).

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