Apple Website Terms of Use

Legal information and notice

Website ownership; Consent to the Terms of Use

These Terms and Conditions of Use (the "Terms of Use") apply to 's Apple website and links to All related websites of, including Apple websites around the world (collectively referred to as "websites"). The website is the property of Apple Inc. ("Apple") and its licensors. By using this website, you agree to the Terms of Use; If you do not agree, please do not use this website.

Apple has the right to change, modify, add or delete part of these Terms of Use at any time in its sole discretion. It is your responsibility to regularly check these Terms of Use to see if they have changed. If you continue to use this website after the changes are published, you accept and agree to these changes. As long as you comply with these Terms of Use, Apple grants you a personal, non exclusive, non transferable, limited right to access and use this website.


All words, pictures, user interfaces, visual interfaces, photos, trademarks, logos, sounds, music, works of art and computer codes (collectively referred to as "content") contained on this website, including but not limited to the design, structure, selection, collocation, expression, appearance, style and arrangement of such content, are owned, controlled or authorized by Apple, Or to Apple, and protected by trade dress, copyright, patent and trademark laws, as well as various other intellectual property rights and anti unfair competition laws.

Unless expressly stated in these Terms of Use, without Apple's express prior written consent, no part of this website or any content may be copied, copied, republished, uploaded, published, publicly displayed, encoded, translated in any form, nor transmitted or distributed (including "image") to any other computer, server Website or other media used for publication or distribution or media of any commercial enterprise.

You can use the information about Apple products and services (such as data sheets, knowledge base articles and similar materials) that Apple intentionally provides and exclusively downloads from the website, provided that you (1) do not delete any ownership declaration terms in any copy of such documents, (2) only use such information for personal non-commercial information purposes, And shall not copy or publish such information on any networked computer or broadcast it on any media, (3) do not modify any such information, and (4) do not make any additional representation or warranty on such documents.

Your use of this website

You shall not use any "deep link", "web search", "web robot", "web capture tool" or other automatic equipment, program, algorithm or method, or any similar or equivalent manual process to access, obtain, copy or monitor any part of this website or any content, Or copy or circumvent the navigation structure or presentation form of this website or the content contained in this website in any way, so as to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, manuscripts or information by any means not intentionally provided by this website. Apple reserves the right to prohibit any such activity.

You shall not attempt to access any part or function of this website without authorization, access any other system or network connected to this website or any Apple server, or access this website or any service provided through this website through hacking, password cracking or any other illegal means.

You shall not detect, scan or test this website or any network connected to this website for any loopholes, nor shall you damage the security or authentication measures adopted by this website or any network connected to this website. You shall not reverse search, track or attempt to track any information about any other user or visitor of this website, or any other customer of Apple (including Apple account not belonging to you); Do not abuse this website or any services or information provided by or through this website; It is also prohibited to disclose any information in any form (including but not limited to personal identity or information, but not including your personal information provided by this website).

You agree not to take any action that will cause unreasonable or disproportionate high load on the infrastructure of this website or Apple system or network, or any system or network connected to this website or Apple.

You agree not to use any device, software or program to interfere or attempt to interfere with the normal work of this website or any business performed on it, nor to interfere with the use of this website by any other person.

You shall not forge headers or artificially manipulate identifiers in other ways to disguise the source of any information or transmission you send to Apple on this website or any services provided by it or through this website and such services. You must not pretend to be or represent another person, or impersonate any other person or entity.

You may not use this website or any content contained therein for any illegal purpose or for the purpose prohibited by these Terms of Use, nor instigate any illegal activities or other activities that infringe the rights of Apple or others.

Purchase; Other Terms and Conditions

Purchase of goods or services and use of specific parts or functions of this website (including competitions, promotions or other similar functions) are subject to other terms and conditions. All such terms are incorporated herein by reference into these Terms of Use. You agree to abide by such other terms and conditions, including, where appropriate, to indicate that you have reached the legal age required to use or participate in such services or functions. If there is a conflict between these Terms of Use and the terms published for or applicable to a specific part of this website (or the terms for any service provided on or through this website), the latter shall bind you to use this part of this website or specific services.

Apple's obligations to its products and services, if any, are only bound by the agreements under which these products and services are provided, and any terms contained in this website shall not be construed as modifying such agreements.

Apple may change any product or service provided on this website or the applicable price of any such product or service at any time without notice. The information about products and services on this website may have expired, and Apple does not promise to update the information about such products and services on this website.

The following terms are also binding and applicable to the use of this website, and are incorporated by reference here:

Each of the above policies is subject to change at any time and will take effect immediately after such changes are posted on this website.

Account, Password and Security

Some functions or services provided on or through this website may require you to open an account (including setting Apple ID and password). You will be fully responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information (including password), and any and all activities in your account due to your failure to ensure the security and confidentiality of such information. You agree to notify Apple immediately when others use your account or password without authorization, or when any other security violation occurs. If you allow others to use your Apple ID, password or account due to your failure to ensure the security and confidentiality of account information, you may be responsible for the losses suffered by Apple and any other users or visitors of this website.

At no time may you use any other person's Apple ID, password or account without the prior permission and consent of the Apple ID, password and account holder. Apple cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by your failure to perform the relevant obligations.


Apple's privacy policy is applicable to the use of this website, and its terms are quoted here as part of this Terms of Use. To read Apple's privacy policy, please Click here In addition, by using this website, you acknowledge and agree that Internet transmission cannot be completely private or secure. Even if a special notice is displayed on the page informing you that specific data transmission (such as credit card information) has been encrypted, any message or information you send to this website may still be read or intercepted by others, which you know.

Links to other websites and Apple websites

This website may contain links to other independent third-party websites ("linked websites"). These linked websites are only provided for the convenience of visitors. Such linked websites are not controlled by Apple. Apple will not be responsible for or accept the content of such linked websites (including any information or materials contained in such linked websites). When interacting with these linked websites, you need to make your own independent judgment.


Apple does not promise that this website or any of its contents, services or functions will be free from any errors or interruptions, that any defects will be corrected, or that your use of this website will produce specific results. This website and its contents are provided "as is" and "as available". All information provided on this website is subject to change without notice. Apple cannot guarantee that all files or other data you download from this website are virus-free, uninfected or non destructive. Apple does not provide any express or implied warranties, including warranties of accuracy, non infringement, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. Apple will not be responsible for any act, omission or behavior of any third party related to your use of this website and/or any Apple services. You are solely responsible for using this website and any linked websites. If you are not satisfied with this website or any content it contains, your only remedy against Apple is to stop using this website or any such content. This limitation of remedies is part of the agreement between the parties.

The above disclaimer applies to any damage, liability or injury caused by any performance failure, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, operation or transmission delay, computer virus, communication line failure, theft, destruction, unauthorized access, tampering or use (whether due to breach of contract, tort, negligence or any other cause of action).

Apple reserves the right to take any of the following actions at any time without notice: (1) modify, suspend or terminate the operation of or access to this website or any part of this website for any reason; (2) Modify or change this website or any part of this website and any applicable policies or terms; (3) Interrupt the operation of this website or any part of this website when it is necessary to perform routine or unconventional maintenance, error correction or other changes.

Limitation of liability

Except where prohibited by law, Apple will not be liable to you for any indirect, derivative, disciplinary, incidental or punitive damages (including loss of interest), even if Apple has been informed that such damages may occur.

Even if there are other provisions in these Terms of Use, Apple shall be responsible for any damage or loss caused by or related to the use of this website or any of its contents in any way; In any case, Apple's liability shall not exceed the greater of the following two amounts: (1) the total amount of any subscription fees or similar fees paid within six months prior to the date of the first claim against Apple in connection with this website or any service or function on it (excluding the purchase price of any Apple hardware or software products or any AppleCare or similar support programs), or (2) US $100.00. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitation of liability, so the above limitations may not apply to you.


compensate for

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Apple and its officers, directors, shareholders, former or successor stakeholders, employees, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates from and against any claims, losses, liabilities, claims or expenses (including attorney fees) made by any third party against Apple due to or in connection with your use of this website.

Violation of these Terms of Use

If Apple believes that any investigation or prosecution related to your use of this website needs to disclose information, or to determine the identity of the person who may cause (intentional or unintentional) damage or interference to Apple's rights or properties or the rights or properties of visitors or users of this website (including Apple's customers) If it is necessary to disclose information by contacting this person or taking legal action against it, Apple may disclose any information (including identity information) it has about you. Apple always reserves the right to disclose relevant information in order to disclose necessary information in order to comply with any applicable laws, regulations, legal procedures or government requirements. When Apple believes that such disclosure is required or permitted by applicable laws, Apple may also disclose your information, including exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection purposes.

You confirm and agree that, Apple has the right to retain any transmission or communication between you and Apple through this website, any service provided on this website, or any service provided through this website, and can disclose these data in the following circumstances: this must be done as required by law, or Apple has sufficient reason to believe that only by doing so can we reasonably (1) comply with legal procedures; (2) Execute these Terms of Use; (3) Respond to claims that such data infringes the rights of others; Or (4) protect the rights, property or personal safety of Apple, its employees, users or visitors of this website and the public.

You agree that if Apple believes that you have violated these Terms of Use or other agreements or guidelines that may be related to your use of this website, it may terminate your access to this website at its own discretion without prior notice, and/or prevent you from accessing this website in the future. You also agree that any violation of these Terms of Use by you will constitute illegal and improper business practices, and will cause damages to Apple that are difficult to remedy by monetary compensation alone. In this case, Apple may apply for injunctions or equivalent remedies that it deems necessary or appropriate. These remedies are in addition to any other remedies available to Apple at law or in equity.

You agree that Apple may terminate your access to this website without prior notice for the following reasons, including (but not limited to): (1) law enforcement agencies or other government agencies require this, (2) you require this (spontaneous account deletion), (3) this website, any services provided on this website Any service provided through this website is suspended or significantly modified, or (4) unexpected technical problems occur.

If Apple takes any legal action against you due to your violation of these Terms of Use, in addition to any other remedies Apple has, Apple will have the right to recover the relevant amount from you, and you agree to pay all reasonable attorney fees and litigation costs. You agree that Apple will not be liable to you or any third party for the termination of your access to this website due to violation of these Terms of Use.

Governing law; Dispute resolution

You agree that all matters related to your access to or use of this website (including all disputes) are governed by the laws of the United States and the State of California, but its conflict of laws provisions are not applicable. You agree that the state and federal courts in Santa Clara County, California have relevant personal jurisdiction and territorial jurisdiction, and you waive any objection to such jurisdiction or location. If you are a customer living in the EU, the above provisions on location do not apply to you. If you are a customer living in the EU, you can file a claim in the court of your country/region. Any claim under these Terms of Use shall be made within one (1) year after the cause of action arises, otherwise such claim or cause of action will be deemed invalid. Claims based on independent terms and conditions of purchase of goods and services are not subject to this restriction. No compensation fees other than the paid fees shall be recovered or collected, unless the winning party has the right to claim compensation for its attorney fees and other related fees. If a dispute or controversy arises between Apple and you due to your use of this website, both parties shall immediately try to resolve such dispute in good faith. If Apple is unable to resolve such dispute within a reasonable time (no more than thirty (30) days), either party may submit such dispute or dispute to an arbitration institution. If the dispute cannot be resolved through an arbitration institution, the parties are free to seek any rights or remedies granted to them by applicable laws.

Invalid in areas prohibited by law

Apple manages and operates in Cupertino, California, USA Website; Other Apple websites may be managed and operated by various branches outside the United States. Although this website can be accessed worldwide, not all functions, products or services mentioned, quoted or provided through this website or on this website are applicable to all people or all geographical locations, nor are they necessarily suitable or available for use in countries/regions outside the United States. Apple has the right to decide in its sole discretion which features, products or services to provide to any person or geographical region, and the specific amount to provide. If any function, product or service on this website is prohibited in a specific area, the agreement to provide corresponding function, product or service is invalid. If you visit this website from outside the United States, it is deemed that you are acting on your own initiative, so you need to be responsible for complying with local applicable laws.


You may not use, export or re export any content, its copy, its adaptation or any product or service provided by this website in violation of applicable laws and regulations (including but not limited to U.S. export laws and regulations).

If any provision of these Terms of Use is ruled invalid or unenforceable by a court or other court with jurisdiction, the relevant provisions shall be limited or excluded to the minimum necessary extent, and replaced with the effective provisions that best reflect the intention of these Terms of Use, so as to ensure that these Terms of Use still have full force and effect. These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and Apple regarding your use of this website. Any and all other written or oral agreements or understandings regarding such use that existed between you and Apple will be superseded and invalidated. Except for the relevant terms in the purchase agreement between you and Apple, Apple does not accept any counter offer against these Terms of Use, and hereby expressly rejects all such offers. Even if Apple fails to insist or compel strict performance of these Terms of Use, it shall not be deemed as Apple's waiver of corresponding rights or exemption from corresponding terms, nor shall any act between Apple and you or any other party be deemed as an amendment to any terms of these Terms of Use. These Terms of Use shall not be construed or interpreted as granting any right or providing any remedy to any third party.

Apple provides access to Apple's international data, so it may contain references or cross references to Apple products, programs and services that are not published in your country/region. Such references do not imply that Apple plans to launch such products, programs or services in your country/region.

Feedback and information

Any feedback you provide on this website is considered "non confidential information". Apple is free to use such information without restrictions.

The information contained on this website is subject to change without notice.
copyright © 1997-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
Apple Inc., One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA.

Updated by Apple legal team on November 20, 2009