Five million jobs,
More possible starting point.

In China, Apple has contributed to China's economic and social development in various ways. Creating a wide range of high-quality employment opportunities is a very important part of it. Through China's supply chain, procurement and investment, we have brought more than 3 million jobs. The iOS App Store ecosystem has supported more than 1.8 million jobs. Since the release of the App Store, developers in Greater China have also earned more than 110 billion yuan from it one All this is just the beginning.

Gao Yongyue | developer | Chengdu

Develop intelligent motion programs.

5 million

Jobs created in China post

one hundred and eighty More than RMB Through the App Store ecosystem
Supported Jobs two
one ten thousand Apple owned in China
Number of employees
three hundred More than RMB Work brought by supply chain, procurement and investment in China post

Enlarge the App economy,
Pick up thousands Dream.

With the release of the App Store, a new app revolution started. In just ten years, Chinese developers have made remarkable achievements in this transformation. Whether it's the number of employees, developer income, or app downloads, China's App Store is the only one in the world Ao Head.

On this platform, the dreams of many developers have been realized and millions of people have benefited from it. Some e-commerce apps enable farmers in remote areas to connect with urban consumers; Some game apps enable players around the world to experience Chinese culture in depth. In order to further stimulate this spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship, Apple is also working with the Chinese education system to cultivate the next generation of world-class developers and promote Chinese innovation to the world.

More than 1.8 million

Since the launch of the App Store, it has supported the creation of

one thousand one hundred and twenty RMB 100 million Since the release of App Store
Gains from Greater China developers three
thirty-five point eight 10000 yuan Apps from Chinese developers
Available in the global App Store

To serve China,
Apple attracts talents.

Thirty years ago, when Apple first entered China, there were only a handful of employees. Today, in order to better serve China, we have provided a large number of jobs covering production and manufacturing, retail, technical support, hardware and software development, environmental protection and supplier responsibility, and are still opening more opportunities.

10 thousand

Apple employees in China
Number of people

nine times Apple's employee growth in China since 2010
four individual R&D centers in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Suzhou
forty-one home In China, retail stores have been opened in mainland China

Our suppliers and manufacturers,
All dimensional growth.

From front-line production workers to senior engineers, Apple has created millions of related jobs with manufacturers. Our supply chain is also expanding, from developed areas such as the eastern coast of China and the Pearl River Delta to central and western provinces and cities such as Henan, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Chongqing.

Also growing are the strength of suppliers and opportunities for employee development. Apple has been working closely with Chinese suppliers and sending teams to help them carry out technological innovation, promote sustainable development and enhance the competitiveness of the industry; Employees have also created better career prospects by participating in various skills training or education promotion plans.

More than 3 million

Jobs created through Chinese suppliers, etc

To help technological innovation.

We are committed to creating outstanding products. To this end, Apple has been assisting Chinese suppliers in promoting technological innovation and training engineers for them.

Bozhong Seiko has grown from 700 people to 3100 people since it became Apple's automation equipment supplier in 2010. With their cooperation with Apple, they have also become a world-class system solution provider and service provider for digital factories. "Apple has very strict requirements for equipment accuracy and fast delivery capability, which has played a very good role in promoting the training of the team", said Lu Shaolin, chairman of Bozhong. "Apple has driven the demand for equipment in the entire Chinese market, opening up the market for automated equipment manufacturing."

Help enterprises establish
Awareness of sustainable development.

When manufacturing every Apple product, we will consider how to have less impact on the environment. This concept of sustainable development has also penetrated into the hearts of our Chinese suppliers. With the help and promotion of Apple, more and more Chinese suppliers can produce in a more environmentally friendly way. Today, 100% of the fiber used in iPhone X and iPhone 8 packaging comes from responsible forest management, bamboo, sugarcane residue and recycled paper.

Yutong Packaging Technology is one of the first packaging suppliers in the world that promised to use 100% renewable energy to produce for Apple. "Other customers have never put forward such an idea", said Wang Huajun, the chairman of Yutong. "The use of green renewable energy is good for the company and the environment, and is very close to our own goals."

one hundred and ninety Billion liters The water saved by suppliers in 2017 can fill 7722 Olympic swimming pools
2017 one hundred % China's final assembly plant that has produced for Apple for more than one year Kept Zero landfill of waste

Protect workers' rights and interests,
Expand career opportunities.

People always come first in Apple's supply chain. Through various means, we ensure that every worker who produces Apple products can have a healthy and safe working environment, and can enjoy their rights and be respected. In 2017, the health education program specially designed for female employees began to be promoted among several suppliers to help them better understand the knowledge about personal health and preventive medical care.

Apple also launched a series of education plans and vocational training for supply chain employees. In the past decade, a total of 2.5 million students participated in the supplier employee education and development program, and 12000 students applied for academic education to obtain degrees. In 2017, Apple also launched the The training plan for the production line leader of Apple factory helps students grow into excellent production line managers through technical skills and soft skills training.

two hundred and fifty ten thousand So far, I have participated in supplier employee education and development (SEED) Total number of students in planned courses
one point two ten thousand Since 2008, apply for academic education to obtain education Of students total

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