Apple Health Research App Privacy Policy

Apple Health Research App privacy policy updated on November 20, 2020
Apple attaches great importance to your privacy. Therefore, we have formulated a privacy policy, which explains how we deal with your information related to Apple's health research application (hereinafter referred to as "App"). Please take some time to get familiar with our approach to user privacy. If you have any questions, please contact us

Apple Health Research

This privacy policy outlines the information we may collect or receive related to your use of any of our health survey research apps and participation in any of our health service survey research (hereinafter referred to as a "study" respectively, and collectively referred to as "research"). This privacy policy does not include information about you that we collect or receive in other circumstances, such as when you purchase Apple products, browse Apple websites, use other Apple mobile apps, or use your Apple devices (such as iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch) for general non research purposes. For our general privacy practices, please refer to our General Privacy Policy

informed consent

To participate in any research, you must first read and sign the informed consent and authorization letter (if applicable) of the research (hereinafter referred to as the "informed consent letter"). By using the relevant app, you agree to collect, use and share your information according to the instructions in this privacy policy and the informed consent form. If any content in this privacy policy conflicts with the informed consent, the terms of the informed consent will prevail.

In this policy, we may use the term "research group" to refer to all entities that may access the data collected or related to you through the App or as part of the research. For all studies, the informed consent form will include specific information about the members of the study team.

Collection and use of information

Personal information is data that can be used to identify or contact specific individuals. Some personal information and non personal information (as described below) may be collected through apps or as part of research, and such information may also be information about you.

Apple and its affiliates, as well as other research team members, can share the information we collect through the App with each other, and use this information according to this privacy policy.

If you decide to participate in this study, the following are examples of the types of information we might collect and how to use it.

What information do we collect

When you download one of the apps and participate in one of the studies, the following is an example of your information category (which may include some personal information) that may be collected through the app (hereinafter referred to as "research data"). As part of the study, specific categories of information about you will be collected and described in the informed consent form.

  • Contact Information , such as your name, email address, and phone number.
  • User characteristic information , such as your age, gender, state of residence, and race.
  • Medical history and information , such as your height/weight, previous medical diagnosis and tests (such as arrhythmia diagnosis), some drugs currently and previously used (such as blood thinning drugs), some family history (such as atrial fibrillation history) and health habits (such as smoking). This information can be collected through in app surveys or other health surveys that may require you to complete.
  • Sensor information , such as the calculation of heart rate and successive heart beats.
  • technical data In many cases, it is non personal information, that is, the data form itself is not allowed to be directly associated with any specific individual. For example, technical data includes information about app usage (for example, when the app first started), app version and installation ID, device identifier, and technical data about the device, such as operating system and model. Apple will not track its users across third-party websites over time to provide targeted advertising, so it will not respond to the "No Tracking" (DNT) signal.
  • Adverse event information , such as problems, adverse events or other reportable events in the study.
  • Described in the informed consent form Other information (if any).

Your contact information will be separated from other data collected through the App, and replaced with random code (hereinafter referred to as "coding research data") as part of the study, and then received through the Apple system. When Apple acts as the research organizer, it will be obliged to set up a process, which may include the review of non coded research data according to the laws and regulations of specific jurisdictions or the obligations Apple needs to perform as the research organizer. Apple will employ a third party to perform such obligations on its own behalf, and only encoded research data will be received through Apple's system. For some research, if you encounter technical problems and agree to go to Apple for additional technical support, Apple may access some information that can directly identify you. Other entities involved in the study, such as the main researchers or other research team members in the study, can save the research data in an identifiable form.

How we use your information

Your personal information, such as your contact information, if collected through the App, can be used for the purposes described in the informed consent form, including:

  • Involve you in the study, including determining your eligibility to participate in the study
  • Guide and support research
  • Contact you through in app notification, email or other ways to provide research related research or other information

Your coded research data can be used for the purposes stated in the informed consent form, including:

  • Guide and support research
  • Develop health-related products and improvement activities
  • Other investigations (if allowed in informed consent)
  • Publish the survey results and relevant reports, but will not disclose your identity

Your technical data (as described above) can also be used to determine whether you are qualified for research and general use of the App.

Disclosure to third parties

Service Provider

Apple and other members of the research team may share your information with companies that provide services for or on behalf of the research, such as the review committee of an independent third-party organization responsible for reviewing the research and protecting your rights as a research participant, or a third party employed to provide research related services for us (such as receiving and handling research related complaints on our behalf). These companies have an obligation to protect your information.


Your personal information and coding research data may also be disclosed to the following third parties:

  • Government and regulatory agencies , such as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Food and Drug Administration, and other federal or state government agencies.
  • Following effective legal procedures (such as subpoena, litigation or court order) Law enforcement departments or other third parties If we determine that disclosure is necessary or appropriate for national security or other matters of public importance, we may also disclose information about you.
  • Other approved researchers If informed consent is obtained, certain approved third-party researchers can access limited research data. The informed consent form will describe in more detail the categories of approved researchers, the types of research data they can access, and the purpose for which they use these data.
  • Other personnel, If we determine that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce our terms and conditions or protect our operations or users. We disclose information as described in the informed consent form. In addition, in case of reorganization, merger or sale, we can transfer all personal information we collect to relevant third parties.

Information protection

Apple attaches great importance to the security of your personal information. Apple has taken reasonable measures to ensure the security of the research data it maintains, and to protect the confidentiality of your information, including storing it in a system with limited access rights in facilities using physical security measures. Although we have taken security measures, we cannot guarantee full confidentiality.

Retention of personal information

Your participation in any research is voluntary. You can decide not to participate, or you can withdraw from any research at any time. If you decide to quit, we may not delete the information we have collected, but we may continue to use it, but we will stop receiving any new research data about you, and will stop contacting you about the research, unless it is a serious, executable medical need. The informed consent form for each study will describe the specific retention policy and the exit steps you need to take.


Our App does not apply to children under 13 years of age or the same minimum age in relevant jurisdictions. If we find that we have collected personal information of children under the age of 13, we will take measures to delete such information as soon as possible.

Company wide commitment to your privacy

To ensure the security of your personal information, we have communicated the company's privacy and security guidelines to all Apple employees, and strictly implemented privacy protection measures within the company.

Privacy issues

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us If you have any questions about the study, please contact the study team members using the contact information listed in the informed consent form. To withdraw from the study, please follow the specific instructions in the informed consent form. Please note that deleting the app will not cause you to quit the study.

Apple may update this privacy policy at any time. If we change the policy in a substantive way, we will notify you in the App or via research specific email, and attach an updated privacy policy. We may also provide notifications on any research specific website.

Apple Inc., 1 Apple Park Way, Cupertino, California, USA, 95014