Wiki Journey – Visualize Wikipedia access records and convert them into mind map trees [Chrome/Firefox]

Wiki Journey Is a Chrome extension that tracks Wikipedia pages you have visited and generates mind map trees based on links@ Appinn

 Wiki Journey - Visualize Wikipedia access records and convert them into mind map trees [Chrome/Firefox]

WikiJourney is very simple. It will automatically record your Wikipedia access record in the background, and generate a mind map tree according to the link jump, which is roughly like the above figure.

There is a saying that you will never know from which page of Wikipedia.

There is only one entrance in the above picture: Chang'e 6, and then we visited the Stone Age 😂

It is easy to use. Click the browser expansion bar at any time and select the date

 Wiki Journey - Visualize Wikipedia access records and convert them into mind map trees [Chrome/Firefox] 1

The downloaded pictures are in png format with white background.


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