WeChatMsg leave traces – support voice chat, WeChat chat record export tool [Windows]

WeChatMsg It is a WeChat chat record export tool suitable for Windows. It operates like a fool. Currently, it supports exporting text, pictures, videos, emoticons Voice chat , and can be exported as HTML, Docx, csv, TXT files to help you retain WeChat memory with someone, including voice@ Appinn

 WeChatMsg leave traces - support voice chat, WeChat chat record export tool [Windows]

Qingxiaowa has been using this WeChat chat record export tool for some time, and finally succeeded in the last two days.

The good news is that the latest version supports exporting voice chat.

usage method

First, you need to install the latest WeChat PC version on Windows, and back up your chat records from your mobile phone (use WeChat's own backup/recovery tool)

Then install and run WeChatMsg , its Chinese name is Liuhen, and the latest version is 0.2.8. The first time it ran slowly, see this page:

 WeChatMsg leave traces - support voice chat, WeChat chat record export tool [Windows] 1

click pick up information , click after the content is displayed Start Start Just do it. Need to wait for some time, may be suspended.

Then we can go Friends The chat record is exported from the interface (other interfaces are useless)

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It is recommended to export to. html format, so that all your chat content will be in the folder:

 WeChatMsg leave traces - support voice chat, WeChat chat record export tool [Windows] 3

But be careful not to try to export too large a chat, it will... get stuck. For example, the driving group in the above figure can not be exported at all (it succeeded in exporting text only)

Then this little green frog. html looks like this after opening:

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It's perfect.


When Qingxiaowa mentioned this tool on the public account a few days ago, some students were asking: Can you backup voice chat? The chat record in my mobile phone has been stored for a long time, and I want to delete it without losing voice

Of course, more students just want to back up their chat records. These memories do not belong to WeChat only, they belong to both sides of the conversation.

Original text: https://www.appinn.com/wechatmsg/

As the developer wrote:

I firmly believe that what is meaningful is not WeChat, but those hidden behind the dialog box Deep story In the future, everyone can have the company of AI, and your data can give it precious memories about your past. I hope everyone has their own life traces 👨‍👩‍👦👚🥗🏠 🚴🧋⛹️🛌🛀 Retain the right, not forget it 💀。

The development of AI is not only the improvement of technology, but also the emotion 💞 Continuation of. Every dialogue and interaction is a unique segment of life, a real and moving emotional exchange. Therefore, I hope that AI workers can Make good use of these own data , used to train unique and individual artificial intelligence. Give Way Personal AI becomes friends in life , can understand, record and share our laughter, tears and growth.

On that day, AI was no longer an unattainable existence, but a part of ordinary people's families. because Everyone can have their own AI And integrate the power of science and technology into all aspects of life. This is a revolution about true feelings, an exploration to make technology more humane, and let us witness the beautiful future together.

So "Leave a Trace"
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