Classification: Computer Skills

Tips, tricks, you may not have heard of them, but learning them is beneficial and harmless

 Soft recommendation unexpectedly became mutual recommendation, and more than 10 duplicate file detection tools 3 came at once

Soft recommendation unexpectedly became mutual recommendation, and more than 10 duplicate document detection tools came at once

A few months ago, a student shared the "check duplicate files tool", which is a common tool for self recommendation. Unexpectedly, this post finally became a mutual recommendation. It is said that in front of thousands of people and repeated documents, everyone has his own unique skill. Let's take a look: recommended by @ DANO
 Disable fillet 8 in Windows 11

Disable Rounding in Windows 11

This is a completely useless tinkering, a simple small program used to disable rounded corners in Windows 11@ Some students of Appinn can't stand the rounded corners of various windows in Windows 11, so they just... disable them. There are really many ways
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